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Changing Case in Linux

Posted: 2016-06-16 15:48:30
by nasair
I'm able to rename in almost everyday just fine in Linux.
I'm using Lubuntu 14.04 with Wine (most recent) to run Ant Renamer
The only issue I have is that Ant Renamer can't change character case in Linux unless I am also making a whole swap at the same time.
Original: Family at The Beach
Swap: "at " with "xxx" > "xxx" with "At "
Get: Family At The Beach
but if I try just:
"at " with "At "
or the change case feature neither work. They work in the preview but don't actually change the case.

Anything I can do to fix this?

Side-note: Ant Renamer will change the case if I'm running through Windows and connecting in with a share drive to the Linux machine.

Posted: 2016-06-16 21:41:27
by antp
I would guess it has something to do with the way Wine handles file management functions.
For all renaming Ant Renamer uses the "MoveFileW" function, so being just a case change, a name change or moving to another folder, it is processed the same way on Windows; maybe Wine does something special when it detects that only case is changing?

Posted: 2016-06-17 15:14:59
by nasair
I agree, it must be something to do with how WINE and Ant Renamer are interacting. If I use WINE's file-browser I can do just a case rename.