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WISHLIST for next version

Posted: 2016-05-19 06:24:02
by faxinger
Here is a little WISHLIST for future versions:
1) make it possible to load an excelfile with columns for new names and old names (replace various names at once)

2) Make a kind of preview in the folder and not only with one example, so that I can see the new names in the folder before i press OK.

3) Make unique names: If there are files with the same name after renaming add a number or something to make them unique.

Hope these features will be implemented soon.


Posted: 2016-05-19 17:55:28
by antp
1. There is plan for something like that
2. There is the "preview" icon in the toolbar (F5) that allows to see more than one name
3. This is planned, as indeed it can be useful for some of the actions
But I don't know when planned things will be done, since I do not often work on it.

ability to FILTER / select files/folders to apply actions to

Posted: 2017-08-07 05:31:59
by markusof
I OFTEN use renamer
one thing I would find useful is ability to select the files I want to apply actions to
I have to constantly add files - preview (some rules)
remove files (delete)
apply the action
remove files - add them again

would be nice to just be able to select / filter files matching a pattern

Posted: 2017-08-07 20:24:15
by antp
It is also on my to do list, but like for the list above, no idea when