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[UPD] script - version 1.4.2

Posted: 2015-07-30 16:39:14
by fulvio53s03

Code: Select all


Ant Movie Catalog importation script

Description=import album
Language=IT, EN
Comments=It can be used to search informations (mode=0) and to extract them to your AMC d.b. or to extract directly informations (mode=1), if you already know your album address' page in discogs. For a better selecting informations, you can also supply Artist's name in Original Title field and the information: CD, Album, LP ecc. in Media Type field.
License=*  The source code of the script can be used in   |*  another program only if full credits to Fulvio53s03  |*  script

Mode=0|0|0=normal mode|1=batch mode (url)



// TypeSearch=1|1|1=search for exact expression|2=search for any word
// TypeOrder=3|3|1=order by Artist|2=order by Album Title|3=order by relevance

// needs the following units
// StringUtils7552.pas
program discogs;
   discogsUrl = '';                // base url
//<div class="pagination_controls ">                              inizio links
//<div class="pagination bottom">                                 fine links
//<div class="cards cards_layout_large" id="search_results">      inizio struttura interna link

   AllAlbumUrl = '';                // base url
   batchlogfic = 'c:\discogs_batch.txt';                  // log for batch mode
   debug_search = false;                               	 // debug mode on/off su ricerca dischi
   debug_album = false;                                   // debug mode on/off su estrazione dati album
   folder = 'c:\';                                       // directory where to save files
   inizio_e_fine_traccia = '<td class="tracklist_track_pos">';
   inizio_credits = '<li>';
   fine_credits = '</li>';
   CRLFspace = CRLF + ' ';
   nuovo_anno, mese_anno, solo_anno, data_rilascio, label: String;
   Credit_address, Readdress, Page: String;
   AlbumName, ArtistName, firstcall, abort, name, Dati_traccia, autori: String;
   Formato, Releases, artista: String;
   pag_ricerca, Commento, save_value, ordine_lista, Salva_autore: String;
   value: string;
   CharNormal, CharAbNormal: string;
   Album_ok: boolean;
   BatchMode, index, lungo: Integer;
   brani, Track, newtrack, old_track, datitrack: String;
   titolo_e_autore, titolo, autore: String;
   batchlog, confbatch: TstringList;
   save_pag, artist, initchar, endchar: string;
   albumok: boolean;

// list of albums
procedure GetList;   
   Address, urlmusic, album, albumtest, label, genre: String;
   Save_address, Title_album, indir_album, indir_title_album: String;
   Relevance, info_disco, artist_album, tipo_release, altri_dati: String;
   dati_album, init_control, end_control: String;
   Desc_ricerca: String;
   ctr_loop: integer;
   found: boolean;
   i, lgth_dati_album, lgth_pag_ricerca: integer;
   PickTreeClear;                                                    // clear list
//fs20150727   Address :=  discogsUrl + '/search/?q=' + UrlEncode(AlbumName) + '&layout=sm';       //fs
   Address :=  discogsUrl + '/search/?q=' + artista + ' ' + AlbumName + '&layout=sm';           //fs20150727
//fs2015.06.10   Address :=  discogsUrl + '/search/?q=' + AlbumName + ' ';
//fs2015.06.10   Address := Address + ArtistName + '&format_exact=' + formato + '&layout=sm';       //fs

//   Address :=  discogsUrl + '/search/?q=' + AlbumName + '&type=all';  //fs2015.06.10
   Address := UrlEncode(Address);
   Desc_ricerca := '"' + AlbumName + '"';
   if length(ArtistName) > 0  then
      Desc_ricerca := Desc_ricerca + ', ' + ArtistName;
   if length(formato) > 0 then
      Desc_ricerca := Desc_ricerca + ', ' + formato;
   Page := GetPage(Address);
   Save_address := Address;
   SetField(fieldURL, Address);

   found := False;
//   PickTreeAdd('List of albums found for' + '"' + AlbumName + '"', '');
   PickTreeAdd('List of albums found for ' + Desc_ricerca, '');
   if debug_search then
      DumpPage(folder+'discogsList.txt', Page);                // debug
   if Pos('find anything', Page) <> 0 then
      LogMessage('Error while reading selection page - no results found for ' + Desc_ricerca);

   init_control := '<div class="pagination_controls ">';
   end_control  := '<div class="pagination bottom ">';
   info_disco := '<div class="card_body">';
   pag_ricerca := init_control + TextBetween(Page, init_control, end_control) + end_control;      //elenco titoli richiesti
   lgth_pag_ricerca := length(pag_ricerca);


   save_pag := pag_ricerca;
   if debug_search then
      DumpPage(folder+'discogs_pag_ricerca.txt', pag_ricerca);                // debug

   dati_album := info_disco + TextBetween (pag_ricerca, info_disco, info_disco) + info_disco;
   //dati_album contiene recursivamente i dati degli album
   lgth_dati_album := length(dati_album);
   if debug_search then
      DumpPage(folder+'discogs_dati_album.txt', dati_album);                // debug
   delete(Pag_ricerca, 1, length(dati_album) - length(endchar));

   ctr_loop := 0;
   lungo := (Length(info_disco) + length(info_disco));
   while (lgth_dati_album > Lungo) and (ctr_loop < 50) do                 //estraggo al massimo 50 titoli
      ctr_loop := ctr_loop + 1;
      initchar := '<a class="search_result_title';
      endchar  := '</a>';
      indir_title_album := textBetween(dati_album, initchar, endchar) + endchar;
      initchar := 'href="';
      endchar  := '"';
      Address  := discogsUrl + textBetween(indir_title_album,initchar, endchar);

      initchar := '<a href="/artist';
      endchar  := '</span>';
      artist_album  := textBetween(dati_album,initchar, endchar);              //Artista
      initchar := '>';
      endchar  := '<';
      artist_album  := textBetween(artist_album,initchar, endchar);             //Artista

      initchar := '>';
      endchar  := '</a>';
      Title_album  := textBetween(indir_title_album,initchar, endchar);            //titolo dell'album
      initchar := '<p class="card_status">';
      endchar  := '</p>';
      tipo_release := textbetween(dati_album, initchar, endchar);
      tipo_release := formatText(tipo_release);                                    //tipo release

      initchar := '<p class="card_info">';
      endchar  := '</p>';
      altri_dati := textbetween(Dati_album, initchar, endchar);
      altri_dati := formatText(altri_dati);
      Title_Album := artist_album + ' - ' + Title_Album + ' (' + tipo_release + ', ' + altri_dati + ')';
      Title_Album := stringreplace(Title_Album, CRLF, '');
      Title_Album := stringreplace(Title_Album, ' Needs Vote,', '');
      PickTreeAdd(Title_Album, Address);
      found := True;
      delete(Pag_ricerca, 1, lgth_dati_album);
      Pag_ricerca := Pag_ricerca + info_disco;                         //fs 2015_01_12
      lgth_pag_ricerca := length(Pag_ricerca);

      dati_album := info_disco + TextBetween (pag_ricerca, info_disco, info_disco);     //recursivamente i dati degli album
      lgth_dati_album := length(Dati_album);

   if not found then
      LogMessage('No album found for '+AlbumName);
   if PickTreeExec(Address) then
      AnalyzeMusicPage(Address);                                    // Album page
      LogMessage('No album selected');

procedure AnalyzeMusicPage(Address: string);
   urlmusic, cover, Lenght, Pays: String;
   Autore, style, Commenti, str_min, campo_note: String;
   minu, minuti, ore, lgth_comm, save_lgth_comm, i: integer;
   j: Real;
   Page := GetPage(Address);         
   Page := UTF8decode(Page);
   if debug_album  then
      DumpPage(folder+'discogsPageDetail.txt', Page);                         // debug_album
   if debug_album  then
      DumpPage(folder+'discogsPageDetailHTMLdecode.txt', Page);               // debug_album

   Readdress := '';
   Readdress := textbetween(Page, '<meta property="og:url" content="', '">');
   if length(Readdress) > 0 then
      Address := Readdress;

   if Pos('<div class="head">', Page) = 0 then                                          //inizio dati da estrarre
      LogMessage('Pagina album errata - Error while reading album page');

   SetField(fieldURL, Address);
   SetField(fieldDate, DateToStr(Date));
//   Page := UTF8Decode(Page);                                              //fs2015-01-15
   albumok := True;

//dati generali
   initchar := '<div class="profile">';                    //io info generali
   endchar :=  '<div class="section_content">';            //inizio tracklist
   Value := TextBetween(Page, initchar, endchar);
   if debug_album  then
      DumpPage(folder+'discogsinfo_generali.txt', Value);
   initchar := '<div class="head">Label:</div>';
   endchar := '</div>';
   label := textbetween(value, initchar, endchar) + endchar;
   label := StringReplace(label, CRLF, '');
   label := fulltrim(label);
//   label := StringReplace(label, '‎', '');
//   label := StringReplace(label, '–', '');
   label := StringReplace(label, '      ', ' ');
   SetField(fieldproducer, label);
   label := textbetween(Value, '<span itemprop="name" title="', '"');
   SetField(fieldoriginalTitle, label);                                       //artista in original title

   initchar := '<span itemprop="name">';
   endchar  := '</span>';
   label := textbetween(Value, initchar, endchar);
   label := fulltrim(label);
   SetField(fieldtranslatedTitle, label);

   initchar := '<div class="head">Format:</div>';                              //formato LP/Album/CD/ristampa ecc.
   endchar := '</div>';
   label := textbetween(Value, initchar, endchar) + endchar;
   label := FormatText(label);
   label := stringReplace(label, CRLF, '');
   label := stringreplace (label, '  ', ' ');
   label := stringreplace (label, '  ', ' ');
   SetField(fieldvideoformat, label);                                            //formato

   initchar := '<div class="profile">';
   endchar := '</div>';
   label := textbetween(Value, '<div class="head">Country:</div>', endchar) + endchar;
   label := FormatText(label);
   SetField(fieldcountry, label);                                             //paese
   label := textbetween(Value, '<div class="head">Released:</div>', endchar) + endchar;
   label := FormatText(label);
   SetField(fieldyear, label);
//fs20150728  estrazione data della release
   nuovo_anno := getfield(fieldYear);   //fs20150728                                                //anno
   if length(nuovo_anno) = 0 then

//   end;
   label := textbetween(Value, '<div class="head">Genre:</div>', endchar) + endchar;
   label := FormatText(label);
   style := textbetween(Value, '<div class="head">Style:</div>', endchar) + endchar;
   style := FormatText(style);
   if length(style) > 0 then
      label := label + ' (' + style + ')';
   SetField(fieldcategory, label);                                            //genere

//discogs tracklist
   initchar := 'id="tracklist" class="section tracklist" data-toggle="tracklist">';
   endchar :=  'class="section credits toggle_section    toggle_section_remember"';
   Value := TextBetween(Page, initchar, endchar);
   if length(Value) = 0 then
      endchar :=  'class="section notes toggle_section    toggle_section_remember"';         //inizio note;
      Value := TextBetween(Page, initchar, endchar);
   if length(Value) = 0 then
      endchar :=  'class="section_content toggle_section_content">';         //inizio note;
      Value := TextBetween(Page, initchar, endchar);
   if length(Value) = 0 then
      endchar :=  'section notes';         //inizio note;
      Value := TextBetween(Page, initchar, endchar);

   initchar := '<td class="tracklist_track_pos">';
   endchar :=  '</table>';
   Value := initchar + TextBetween(Value, initchar, endchar) + inizio_e_fine_traccia;
   if debug_album  then
      DumpPage(folder+'discogstracks.txt', Value);
   brani := '';
//   value := stringReplace(brani, '–', '');
   value := stringreplace(brani, 'Composed By', ' - composed by');
   value := stringReplace(value, '*', '');
//   value := stringReplace(value, '&', '&');
   SetField(fieldDescription, Value);

//*** artists
   initchar := 'class="section credits';
   endchar :=  '<!-- /credits -->';
   Value := TextBetween(Page, initchar, endchar);

   initchar := '<div class="section_content toggle_section_content">';
   endchar :=  '</div>';
   value := TextBetween(value, initchar, endchar);
   if debug_album  then
      DumpPage(folder+'discogscredits.txt', Value);
   brani := '';
   value := brani;                                                  //fs2015.01.21
   value := stringreplace(value, '            ', ' ');              //fs2015.01.21
   SetField(fieldActors, value);

//*** note
   initchar := 'class="section notes';
   endchar :=  'class="section m_versions';
   value := TextBetween(Page, initchar, endchar);
   value := FormatText(value);
   initchar := 'class="section notes toggle_section    toggle_section_remember"';         //inizio note
   endchar :=  '<!-- /notes -->';                                                         //fine note
   Value := TextBetween(Page, initchar, endchar);

   initchar := 'class="section_content toggle_section_content">';
   endchar :=  '</div>';
   value := TextBetween(value, initchar, endchar);
   value := FormatText(value);
   campo_note := value;

//*** barcode
   initchar := 'class="section barcodes toggle_section';         //inizio note
   endchar :=  '<!-- /barcodes -->';                                                         //fine note
   Value := TextBetween(Page, initchar, endchar);
   initchar := '<ul class="list_no_style">';
   endchar :=  '</ul>';
   value := TextBetween(value, initchar, endchar);
//   HTMLRemoveTags(value);
   value := FormatText(value);
   value := stringReplace(value, CRLFspace, CRLF);
   if (value = 'Barcode:') or (value = 'barcode:') then
      value := '';
   commenti := '';
   if length(campo_note) > 0 then
        commenti := campo_note;
        if length(value) > 0 then
           commenti := commenti + CRLF + value;
           commenti := value;
//           end;
//      end;
   if length(data_rilascio) > 0 then
        commenti := 'Released on ' + data_rilascio + CRLF + commenti;
   SetField(fieldComments, commenti);
   data_rilascio := '';

//*** cover
   cover := TextBetween(Page, 'data-images=', '"full"');
   initchar := '"http:';
   endchar := '"';
   cover := initchar + TextBetween(cover, initchar, endchar);
//   cover := discogsUrl + cover;
   if CanSetPicture then

Procedure estrazione_tracce;
    lgth_track: integer;
//    normalizza_page(Value);                       //fs2015.01.15
    initchar := inizio_e_fine_traccia;
    endchar  := inizio_e_fine_traccia;
    lungo := (Length(initchar) + length(endchar));
    Dati_traccia  := initchar + TextBetween(Value, initchar, endchar) + endchar;

    while Length(Dati_traccia) > Lungo do           //esegui se trovato qualcosa
       datitrack := '';
       track := '';
       initchar := inizio_e_fine_traccia;
       endchar  := '</td>';
       datitrack := textbetween(dati_traccia, initchar, endchar) + ' ';           //n.d'ordine
       lgth_track := length(datitrack);
       if lgth_track = 2 then                               //num.traccia <10
          datitrack := '0' + datitrack + ' ';

       initchar := '<td class="tracklist_track_artists">';
       endchar  := '</td>';
       track := textbetween(dati_traccia, initchar, endchar);            //artista in antologie
       if length(track) > 0 then
          datitrack := datitrack + '    ' + track + '     - ';

       initchar := '<span class="tracklist_track_title" itemprop="name">';
       endchar  := '</span>';
       track := textbetween(dati_traccia, initchar, endchar);            //titolo brano
       datitrack := datitrack + track;

       initchar := '<blockquote>';
       endchar  := '</blockquote>';
       track := textbetween(dati_traccia, initchar, endchar);
       track := stringReplace(track, '<span class="tracklist_extra_artist_span">', '<span class="tracklist_extra_artist_span">   ');
       if length(track) > 0 then
          datitrack := datitrack + '     (' + track + ')';

       initchar := 'class="tracklist_track_duration">';
       endchar  := '</td>';
       track := textbetween(dati_traccia, initchar, endchar);            //durata brano
       track := StringReplace(track, CRLF, '');
       track := FullTrim(track);
       if length(track) > 0 then
          datitrack := datitrack + '        (' + track + ')';
// dati del brano raccolti in datitrack
       datitrack := stringReplace(datitrack, '( ', '(');
       datitrack := stringReplace(datitrack, '(  ', '(');
       datitrack := stringReplace(datitrack, 'ritten-', 'ritten ');
       datitrack := stringReplace(datitrack, '–', '');
       datitrack := stringReplace(datitrack, '*', '');
       if length(datitrack) > 3 then
          brani := brani + datitrack + CRLF;                             //fs 2014.11.15
// reimposto l'area su cui loopare
       initchar := inizio_e_fine_traccia;
       endchar  := inizio_e_fine_traccia;
       delete(Value, 1, length(Dati_traccia) - length(inizio_e_fine_traccia));
       dati_traccia := initchar + TextBetween (Value, initchar, endchar) + endchar;     //dati_album contiene i dati dell'album
//fs ********************* fine estrazione tracce *****************************************

Procedure estrazione_credits;
    lgth_track: integer;
    oldtrack: string;
//    normalizza_page(Value);                       //fs2015.01.15
    initchar := inizio_credits;
    endchar  := fine_credits;
    oldtrack := '';
    lungo := (Length(initchar) + length(endchar));
    Dati_traccia  := initchar + TextBetween(Value, initchar, endchar) + endchar;

    while Length(Dati_traccia) > Lungo do           //esegui se trovato qualcosa
       datitrack := '';
       track := '';
       initchar := '<span class="role">';
       endchar  := '</span>';
       datitrack := textbetween(dati_traccia, initchar, endchar) + ' ';         //ruolo

       initchar := 'class="rollover_link">';
       endchar  := '</li>';
       track := textbetween(dati_traccia, initchar, endchar);
       if length(track) = 0 then
          initchar := '</span>';
          track := textbetween(dati_traccia, initchar, endchar);
       track := FormatText(track);
       track := StringReplace(track, CRLF, '');
       datitrack := datitrack + ': ' + track;                                   //nomi
       datitrack := stringReplace(datitrack, '*', '');         //fs2015.01.21

// dati del brano raccolti in datitrack
       if track <> oldtrack then
          brani := brani + datitrack + CRLF;

       oldtrack := track;
// reimposto l'area su cui loopare
       initchar := inizio_credits;
       endchar  := fine_credits;
       delete(Value, 1, length(Dati_traccia) - length(inizio_credits));
       dati_traccia := initchar + TextBetween (Value, initchar, endchar) + endchar;
//fs ********************* fine nuova estrazione credits *****************************************

Procedure Normalizza_page(Pagina: string);    // elimina i crlf, trasforma delimiters maiuscoli in minuscoli
  pagina := RegExprSetReplace('<([^>]+)>', pagina, '<\L\1>', true);
  CharAbNormal := crlf;
  CharNormal := ' ';
  pagina := StringReplace(pagina, CharAbNormal, CharNormal);
  CharAbNormal := '<B';
  CharNormal := '<b';
  pagina := StringReplace(pagina, CharAbNormal, CharNormal);
  CharAbNormal := '</B';
  CharNormal := '</b';
  pagina := StringReplace(Value, CharAbNormal, CharNormal);
  CharAbNormal := '<FONT';
  CharNormal := '<font';
  pagina := StringReplace(pagina, CharAbNormal, CharNormal);
  CharAbNormal := '</FONT';
  CharNormal := '</font';
  pagina := StringReplace(pagina, CharAbNormal, CharNormal);
  CharAbNormal := '<TR';
  CharNormal := '<tr';
  pagina := StringReplace(pagina, CharAbNormal, CharNormal);
  CharAbNormal := '</TR';
  CharNormal := '</tr';
  pagina := StringReplace(pagina, CharAbNormal, CharNormal);
  CharAbNormal := '<TD';
  CharNormal := '<td';
  pagina := StringReplace(pagina, CharAbNormal, CharNormal);
  CharAbNormal := '</TD';
  CharNormal := '</td';
  pagina := StringReplace(pagina, CharAbNormal, CharNormal);
  CharAbNormal := '<DIV';
  CharNormal := '<div';
  pagina := StringReplace(pagina, CharAbNormal, CharNormal);
  CharAbNormal := '</DIV';
  CharNormal := '</div';
  pagina := StringReplace(pagina, CharAbNormal, CharNormal);

// set show warning (normal mode) or add to log (batch mode)
procedure LogMessage(m: string);
   if BatchMode > 0 then
      AddToLog('item '+GetField(fieldNumber)+': '+m)

// add a message in the batch log and save to disk
// (because I don't know when it's finished...)
procedure AddToLog(m: string);

// process batch mode
procedure discogsBatch;
   AlbumName := GetField(fieldUrl);                      // if no url or another site then ignore
   if (AlbumName <> '') and (Pos(AllAlbumUrl, AlbumName) > 0) then
      LogMessage('ignored url="'+AlbumName+'"');
procedure estrai_data_released;
//   ShowMessage('data di rilascio ' + nuovo_anno);
   label := StringReplace(label, ' ', '/');
   data_rilascio := label;
   mese_anno := Textafter(data_rilascio, '/');
   solo_anno := Textafter(mese_anno, '/');
//   if length(campo_note) > 0 then
//      begin
//        commenti := campo_note;
//        if length(value) > 0 then
//           begin
//           commenti := commenti + CRLF + value;
//           end
//        end
//        else
//           commenti := value;
   if length(solo_anno) > 0 then
          setfield(fieldyear, solo_anno);
        setfield(fieldyear, solo_anno);

// process normal mode
procedure discogsNorm;
   albumok := False;
   AlbumName := GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle);           // get album name
   ArtistName := getField(fieldOriginalTitle);           // get artist
         confbatch := TStringList.Create;
         confbatch.Add('You have selected the normal mode:');
         confbatch.Add('if You supply artist name in Original Title field,');
         confbatch.Add('I will search discogs database using both');
         confbatch.Add('artist and album name.');
         confbatch.Add('Results will be more accurate!');
         confbatch.Add('confirm your choice');
         if not ShowWarning(confbatch.Text) then
           AddToLog('batch mode aborted');                   // batch mode not confirmed = abort
            abort := 'o';

//    if not Input('discogs - ' + Value, 'Enter the name of the album :' + crlf, AlbumName) or (AlbumName = '') then exit;
    if not Input('discogs = ' + ArtistName + ' - ' + AlbumName, 'Enter the name of the album :'
        + crlf, AlbumName) or (AlbumName = '') then exit;
       formato := getfield(fieldmediatype);
       if pos(formato, 'cd') > 0 then
          formato:= 'CD';
       artista := Artistname;
    until albumok;
//  start here
   if abort = 'o' then exit;                                   // batch mode aborted
   if firstcall <> 'done' then
   begin                                                      // 1st call: init parameters
      firstcall := 'done';
      if not CheckVersion(4,2,0) then
         ShowMessage('This script requires a newer version of Ant Movie Catalog (at least the version 4.2.0)');
         abort := 'o';
// get user's parms (used more than once)
      BatchMode := GetOption('Mode');
      if BatchMode > 0 then                                  // batch mode: confirm the choice
         batchlog := TStringList.Create;                     // init batch log
         batchlog.Add('starting batch mode');   
// confirmation message
         confbatch := TStringList.Create;
         confbatch.Add('You have selected the batch mode:');
         confbatch.Add('Did you save your database?');
         confbatch.Add('*** Address to extract must be supplied in Field Url ***');
         confbatch.Add('At the end of treatement:');
         confbatch.Add('- look at the file ' + batchlogfic + ' for errors/infos');
         confbatch.Add('- the albums found will be checked, the others not (for the selection)');
         confbatch.Add(' (see: Tools/Preferences/Movie list/checkboxes)');
         confbatch.Add('confirm your choice');   
         if not ShowWarning(confbatch.Text) then
           AddToLog('batch mode aborted');                   // batch mode not confirmed = abort
            abort := 'o';
// let's go
   if BatchMode = 0 then

Posted: 2015-08-02 15:23:09
by xenesys
Thanks It works great !!! :D

But too much editions of a same album and informations in bulk....

Do you know ?
This website would be more suited for AMC, but there is no script for him.

Posted: 2015-08-03 04:16:45
by fulvio53s03
xenesys wrote: Do you know ?
I took a look to that site: I think it is really expansive.... but I'm not interested in writing a script using it.
Sorry.... maybe someone else....

Posted: 2015-08-03 07:17:51
by xenesys
No problem. ;)

Posted: 2015-08-11 14:41:53
by Nenesse45

I have a problem with the script


any Idea?

furthermore, how am I supposed to use the script? I can't change mode because it's comment instead of command line.

thank you for your answer

Posted: 2015-08-11 14:56:37
by fulvio53s03
Nenesse45 wrote:Hi,
...furthermore, how am I supposed to use the script? I can't change mode because it's comment instead of command line.
thank you for your answer
After F6, before executing the script, in "Script Options" (on the right side of the panel), right click on "Mode" and change value.....

Posted: 2015-08-11 15:29:47
by Nenesse45
thank you for your answer, I can change mode by now, but still has the same error line 351 as shown above.

Posted: 2015-08-11 15:46:06
by fulvio53s03
Nenesse45 wrote:thank you for your answer, I can change mode by now, but still has the same error line 351 as shown above.
OK, now I understand the complete sense of your question.... :ha:
at line 349 you need to add ; at the end of the line...
Now I'm going to correct the script, wait just a minute...

... anyway, do you like the script???

Posted: 2015-08-11 15:52:55
by Nenesse45
Yeah, you are a master, it works.

And yes, I like the script :grinking:


Posted: 2016-04-10 12:02:11
by xenesys
Hi everybody
I use the script anew today since mounths but I have got an error "IOHandler value is not valide". Nothing works. :/
Version : 1.4.2.

Posted: 2016-08-30 21:20:21
by afscoelho
Can anybody please help me?
How can i download this script ?
or just copy and paste in the script editor?

Posted: 2016-09-01 18:48:04
by antp
Copy/paste to Notepad and save the file with a .ifs extension in the Scripts folder.
If you copy/paste to the script editor, it will not take in account the header of the script (which is normally hidden in the editor).

Posted: 2016-09-03 09:32:54
by fulvio53s03
xenesys wrote:Hi everybody
I use the script anew today since mounths but I have got an error "IOHandler value is not valide". Nothing works. :/
Version : 1.4.2.
I know. I asked help here: viewtopic.php?t=6325 but I have no answer.
I thonk the problem is about protocol https and localization so that address link is changed by some site's script who adds your localization (i.e. "/it" for Italy/Italia, "/de" for Germany/Deutchland and so on).
I'm still waiting for any help.

Posted: 2016-10-01 14:28:27
by fulvio53s03
fulvio53s03 wrote: I know. I asked help here: viewtopic.php?t=6325 but I have no answer.
I thonk the problem is about protocol https and localization so that address link is changed by some site's script who adds your localization (i.e. "/it" for Italy/Italia, "/de" for Germany/Deutchland and so on).
I'm still waiting for any help.
Please HELP!
if I open https (and even http) page from AMC url's field, the page is opened.
The script is not able to do it. Maybe an Agent's problem?
:( :??:

Posted: 2016-10-01 15:51:52
by antp
Do you use the latest beta version?
As that one implements https, which was not supported in previous versions (including the latest stable one).

Just changing https to http works only if all pages are available with both protocols, which is not especially the case of every site.

Posted: 2016-10-01 18:18:56
by fulvio53s03
antp wrote:Do you use the latest beta version?
As that one implements https, which was not supported in previous versions (including the latest stable one).

Just changing https to http works only if all pages are available with both protocols, which is not especially the case of every site.
i think to use last versions:
MovieCatalog.exe : version (10/08/2015 19:10:38)
AMCExchange.dll : version (10/08/2015 19:10:44)
AMCReport.exe : version (10/08/2015 19:10:54)
MediaInfo.dll : version 0.7.71 (09/11/2014 22:47:02)

(press Ctrl+C if you want to copy these information to clipboard)


Posted: 2016-10-01 22:42:44
by antp
Indeed, so that's maybe the site that explicitly blocks AMC... you can easily test that by changing the user agent of your web browser to the one used by AMC :

Code: Select all

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ant Movie Catalog)

Posted: 2016-10-02 05:04:17
by fulvio53s03
antp wrote:...Indeed, so that's maybe the site that explicitly blocks AMC... you can easily test that by changing the user agent of your web browser to the one used by AMC :

Code: Select all

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ant Movie Catalog)
My user agent is the right one: (as answered in

What's My User Agent?
Your User Agent is:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0

I understand that I can not explain. I try to explain better with these examples:

URL in AMC: ... se/1600579 opens Denver / release / 1600579
URL discogs.ifs: try opening ' ... se/1600579' and does not find anything.

URL in AMC: ... se/1600579 opens Denver / release / 1600579
URL discogs.ifs: try opening ' ... se/1600579' and does not find anything.

Posted: 2016-10-02 09:21:21
by antp
fulvio53s03 wrote: My user agent is the right one:
Hence why I suggest to use the same agent in Firefox as AMC, to see then how the site responds, in case it actually sends different results to AMC than to Firefox and others.
But I tested with the URL here above and it seems to work in Firefox with AMC's user agent, so I don't know why it does not work in AMC...

Posted: 2016-10-02 17:22:50
by fulvio53s03
opening url from url's field in AMC is OK, in script KO.
I think that opening url in script is "intercepted" by some kind of java script (or other) and changed; maybe it's necessary to use GEtpage2 or Getpage3... but I'm not able to understand how....
I need help from sopeone more skilled than me :??: (easy to find, obviousely!).
Thanks anyway.