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[New] \ FÚRIA! \ a new theme for AMC 4.2

Posted: 2015-07-05 09:40:25
by fagnerpc
| Presenting |...........................................................................................................................
FÚRIA! a new theme for AMC 4.2
Image Image
Hi :grinking:.
I present you my fifth theme, called simply Fúria!: which is the most simple, fast and unusual I've done so far.
Fúria! is a reference for the latest installment of the Mad Max franchise, which simply blow my mind and was the inspiration for the concepts of this theme :D

Fúria! was designed for use in HTML AMC-view (in 16:9 resolutions). For a better view, install the font ('WeblySleek UI Light') included on the folder 'font'.
FÚRIA! features:
Custom Background: Your first custom background will appear in the layout;
Use the TMDb script custom compiled by boyerf to download custom backgrounds automatically.
Link: viewtopic.php?p=39895#39895
Four different Views: Choose your favorite one - each with distinct visual and content;
Fanart and TMDb Icons: These 2 icons will lead you to this 2 awesome sites - according with the name of the movie (ideal for background and custom arts).
Don't want to use the script TMDB? Download in these two sites manually.
Actor images and stills: Will display 10 images actors and 6 stills (depending on the view selected).

Script optimized for use in my themes (with Top 250 IMDb, Awards and more):

->Direct Download
Default View (click to enlarge):
Image Image

Fanart View (and with icons):
Image Image

Sidebar View (click to enlarge):
Image Image

Other themes...
Quick (overview) video of my themes:

I've put a lot of work on this theme, so, any kind of feedback is highly appreciated :grinking:
->Direct Download

Posted: 2015-07-07 07:17:46
by JuanRa_007
Thanks.... good templates!!

Posted: 2015-10-19 23:22:36
by fagnerpc
I've made other views to Furia!.
Depending on demand, I will make available for download ... I don't know if anyone is interested in this theme or not.

New or Fixed:
Cover view: with marked icon and color tags;
Text strings to media type, aspect ratio, etc..
White variation with new icons.
[new!] Support for dynamic backgrounds and gifs:

Image Image
Don't forget to check out my (newest) themes in motion on this video - Click to open:

Posted: 2015-10-20 07:44:01
by spiderbat
Hello I am interested to download your theme ;)

Posted: 2015-10-20 11:32:12
by calexicoca
Me too!

I like all your templates. Thanks a million for excellent work.

Few questions?

- You keep saying that your themes are for HTML AMC-view. I cannot figure out what kind of view is that?

- What would be a code to re-size background to specific width because now with bigger image i see only portion of it?

- Also I would like to have flexibility to re-size the template in order to be saved or printed. How do you do that. (when i save your template now it looks like someone cut it in half).



Posted: 2015-10-21 05:37:36
by kgytopi
Hello I am interested to download your theme !!!

Posted: 2015-10-26 03:43:54
by fagnerpc
calexicoca wrote:Me too!
I like all your templates. Thanks a million for excellent work.

Few questions?
- You keep saying that your themes are for HTML AMC-view. I cannot figure out what kind of view is that?
- What would be a code to re-size background to specific width because now with bigger image i see only portion of it?
- Also I would like to have flexibility to re-size the template in order to be saved or printed. How do you do that. (when i save your template now it looks like someone cut it in half).
Hey calexicoca,
- Well, all of my themes are made to use inside the AMC program... i usually, don't do anything related with print or export layouts.
The HTML-view is the default view for the AMC program... press F12 to see it.
- The code to resize the background is simple (CSS3 code), but right now, the AMC cannot handle it (only CSS1 code).
The only way is to resize the background picture with your native resolution manually.
Also, i made all of my themes with fixed width because of that... I haven't found a workaround for it yet.

Posted: 2015-10-26 03:44:58
by fagnerpc
Well... thx for the feedback, folks :grinking:
I will unleash the updated Fúria! to download... customize as you like.
Presenting (Updated) FÚRIA!:
New or Fixed:
[new!] Support for dynamic backgrounds and gifs:
[new!]Cover views: with marked icon and color tags;
[new!]Text strings to media type, aspect ratio, etc..
[new!]White variation with new icons and 2 Banner views.
[Fixed] Some bugs.

->Direct Download
New Banner and Cover Views (4 different variations):
Image Image

Image Image

->Direct Download

Posted: 2015-10-26 12:40:19
by spiderbat
great :grinking: thank you

Posted: 2015-10-26 15:29:37
by Teebee
Thank you !!!

Posted: 2016-05-11 19:37:58
by pacomania2005
Great job!!!!
I try to download the template files, but is no more available. Can You tell me where I can find it?

Thanks in advance
