Some features

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Some features

Post by msdobrescu »

Hello, I've been using Ant Renamer since version 1. Alays great and reliable.
These days I have found some situations I couldn't handle with it, though.
For instance, I've needed to exclude some files from the renaming, for example about 9000 files out of 143000, the ones that have not patterns like ".+-\d+x\d+" in the name (ending in "-<number>x<number>").
Why? Because that was the solution to avoiding renaming some files as long as I could not directly move the targeted files (by writing "<new directory>\<file name pattern>"). The problem is wider, as I would need to create folders named by images properties (as "<image width>x<image height>").
So, could we ever get such features as regex negative lookbehind and folder creation out of some pattern or just folder creation at all?

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Post by antp »


I'll probably at some point add options for filtering files, as that was already requested (e.g. also to exclude special files like desktop.ini and thumbs.db)

For folder creation however many things can already be done ; there is an option "force directories" in Options -> Processing.
When it is enabled, if a "\" is found in the name it will try to create the folder.
For example if you use the Exif action with the following mask:
you'll get your images put in a subfolder with their dimension in the name.
It uses only Exif info, so it will not work with any image though, just the JPEG that have such info stored.
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