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Launch file from program?
Posted: 2003-04-16 21:43:18
by stamla
Good program!
I use it a lot!
Q: Is there a way to launch a film from the program?
Posted: 2003-04-17 07:14:43
by antp
In the URL field, if you specify the path of a file (e.g. c:\my documents\myfile.avi) it will be lauched when you double click on it or when you click on the button at the right of the field, like if it was an internet address.
But since you put this topic in the "Scripts & Templates" folder, maybe it was not what you wanted ?

Posted: 2003-04-18 02:13:25
by stamla
I noticed myself, before reading the reply.
But thanks, anyhow!!
Any idea how to launch a two-files movie?
Posted: 2003-04-18 07:07:47
by antp
It is not yet possible
Except maybe if you make a "playlist" file that you launch, like the .m3u files that can be made for winamp.
Posted: 2003-04-21 02:05:26
by Ork
The following is the simplest ASX file as created by ZoomPlayer (Windows Media Player puts a lot more stuff in it):
Code: Select all
<ASX version="3.0">
<ENTRY><REF href="movie1.avi" /></ENTRY>
<ENTRY><REF href="movie2.avi" /></ENTRY>
<ENTRY><REF href="movie3.avi" /></ENTRY>
<ENTRY><REF href="movie4.avi" /></ENTRY>
You don't even have to type it by hand. Just load all the movies in your player and save it, then put the path to the asx file in the url field.