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Print Preview windows BUG ?!?

Posted: 2015-03-16 18:01:57
by metagondria

Have been using this neat database for years now.

Now for the first, when i preview my movie database before printing in chronological order (by number) it doesnt show all my movies anymore !!!

Instead i get an long black line and lots of empty white space to see!!

Here's ↓ is an example/snapshot to give u idea of the problem/bug !


I have updated the software from 4.1xx to latest app v4202 , but no use !!

Thanks in advance,

Posted: 2015-03-16 18:29:56
by soulsnake

What template do you use ?
Do you have this problem with all templates ?


Posted: 2015-03-16 18:58:42
by metagondria
soulsnake wrote:Hi,

What template do you use ?
Do you have this problem with all templates ?

hello soulsnake,

thank for coming to my aid.

the template is my own and custom made for my needs, and there are very few other templates that comes close to what i have made.

But, i have tried different templates to try and reproduce the problem..
And it seems only ocurs with my own custom made template !!

Still, iam convinced the root of the problem is the lots of pages that ant app needs to load like 240+ !!

Because, near the end of processing it renders the pages very slow suddenly you know !

so , i tried to add an margin to both sides and select A4 page in the master page from my template to rectify the problem..

But allas..

tHIS IS BAD, as i need this specific template because all the info / pictars and what not fits so nicely on 1 page ..

You see i have over 1500+ movies to catalog in 2 x 1000 disk boxes ..

oh well...

if u like i upload the template through mediafire for you to inspect.

thanks in advance,

EDIT: HERE → you'll find the templated i especially have uploaded to further inspect . :)

Posted: 2015-03-16 20:40:06
by metagondria
Hi again,

I Have checked a few more other templates , and it happends again !!

after an couple hundred pages, the movies are scattered all over the pages with lots of empty white space between it !!!

It seems this is more like an bug then anything else !!

darn, i will have to split my movie catalog in half so that i can print the last pages for now !!

Posted: 2015-03-16 21:22:14
by soulsnake

I found the problem.
Open your template in designer, do a right click on Master data band (grey band) and uncheck Stretched option.
This option doesn't work very well.
Save your template and all should be fine after that.


Posted: 2015-03-16 22:18:21
by metagondria
Hey, thanks Ssnake

That seems to be the sollution alright.. :)

i cant believe the answer to my prairs wos staring me right into the face !!

But then again, i didn't noticed that option at all in the masterpage . !!

And come to think of it, it sure makes sense now.

some of the content looked stretched... But why did that happened now, after 220 pages / after 1XXX movies!!

And iam not sure the amount of pages has anything do to with it too! Because i have been splitting my catalog in half and saved it into 2 seperated catalogs, holding each 100+ pages in an attempt to fix the problem and get to print the last pages..

But check this, only the 2nd half of the catalog starting from number 1000 didn't displayed correctly !!?

So, even though splitted my catalog in half each holding only a hundred+ pages which never failed to display correctly before.. did cause problems now all of a sudden !?

However, the second half wos counting from number 1000+, and that fact in combination with that stretch option may have caused my problem in the first place !!

weird ...

soulsnake have you found the sollution by inspecting my template perhaps?

Anyway, now i can add to my paper collection again and start printing :)

Thanks Allot,
