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Help with Ant's Movie Catalog Designer Program

Posted: 2003-04-10 05:28:36
by Darren Anton
I would like to get some help with Ant's Movie Catalog Designer Program

I took the "Landscape list.frf" & edited it tp print in Portrait Mode on 8.5"x11" Paper

Attached here for the one's that want it.(Called "Portrait list.frf")

What I would Like to do is put a "String" in the Header field for the current
Movie file data base name without the ".amc" part of the file name.

So if I have the File MyDVDList.amc file open and print to the Portrait List it will
put MyDVDList at the top of the first page or at the top of all pages.

I do not Hard code it in because I have 6 Differant files I use.

Also In Ant Movie Catalog In Loan manager when I put a DVD out to loan
On a name it does not put the date and time I loaden it to them.

Any ideas on this or can it be done??

Thanks For all the help

Posted: 2003-04-10 08:10:26
by antp
I forgot to put variables for this kind of fields (filename, ...) so it is not possible, sorry :/

There is a "log" of the loans that is made in a .csv file in the program's folder (I do not remember if this option is enabled by default), but there is nothing in the program to see the date/time of the loans.

Posted: 2003-04-10 09:43:11
by Guest
Well Maybe In Ver 4 If possable???

Posted: 2003-04-10 09:44:16
by Darren Anton
Well Maybe In Ver 4 If possable???

Posted: 2003-04-10 13:59:38
by antp
probably, yes