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Suggestions and future versions

Posted: 2002-05-31 19:44:41
by antp
Next version will be version 2.0, and is a complete rewrite.
So it is not useful to report me bugs of current versions, I am aware of them.
I do not know when I will have time to work on this program currently, so you will have to wait few months before seeing this new release.

Posted: 2003-03-08 15:32:52
by antp
A preview of version 2 is now available.
I posted a list of the future features here :
So if you have an idea that is not there, you can suggest it ;)

suggestion/idea : actions presets...

Posted: 2003-06-23 08:58:44
by Mystiqq
I think there should be possibility to make some sort of actions presets
that you would be able to "script" a preset of actions , like preset to remove different words from the file name and after the "clean up" it would add some words ... i.e.
im using ACDsee program , and it adds automaticly tags ->
"Re-exposure of Resize of " etc. when adding any "filter" to the image
so i usually remove these and add own tags on the end of the file.
so it requires me to use 'string insertion' and 'string replacement'
this is when i had the idea that it might be viable to add such feature :)

just a suggestion, but ive had few occations where this would prove to be small and very nice feature.


Posted: 2003-06-23 09:17:20
by antp
Did you try the "add to batch", "save batch" and "load batch" features ?


Posted: 2003-06-24 18:21:53
by Mystiqq

ive used renamer a lot i havent seen that!! :D
shame on me! :P
thanks for pointing it out. :grinking:


one thing...

Posted: 2003-06-24 19:51:02
by Mystiq
another "suggestion" ;)

one thing i remembered when using renamer.
id like it to be fast to access, for this it would be good to be able to select bunch of files in windows explorer. then have ant renamer on the right click menu to directly start renamer and add these selected files in the list of files that will be renamed. and if the renamer is already running, it would just add to the current list of files in renamer?
similar what winamp has, the "enqueue" and "play in winamp" ones in the right click menu.
i hope you understood what im after here :)


Posted: 2003-06-24 20:10:45
by antp
Yes, I should add that, but an easy solution is to drag & drop the files to Ant Renamer's window.

Feature suggestion

Posted: 2003-07-23 05:19:58
by Odyssey

I have a feature suggestion that, to me at least :), would seem to make the batch feature much more powerful: Allow the use of regular expressions within the string replacement action.

This would allow for batchs to be crafted that could be applicable many different situations without needing to be altered...

What do you think?


Posted: 2003-07-23 07:24:25
by antp
Yes, I should add regular expressions ;)

Posted: 2003-08-03 05:37:53
by Odyssey
Please could you do that? I would make a huge difference to me... :)

I know it is a lot to ask for features in free software, but, pretty-pretty-please... :hihi:

Posted: 2003-08-03 20:12:20
by antp
When I'll have time... I can't promise for when ;)

Posted: 2003-11-24 18:31:20
by tixu

there s a feature that may be useful (hum for me), it concerns the case of the extension. Sometimes i ve got files in a folder with the same extension but some with lower and others with upper case, so right now with 2.06 version, i can apply lower/upper/... case to either the filename or the filename + extension, an option only for the extension would be great (right now it s "Also apply to extension" not "apply to extension" :p)

Another feature that may be useful is a kind of mask when selecting files from a folder (in the type box there s only the "all files *.*" possibility), so a solution of pre-defined masks or/and custom masks is in my opinion another thing which would be great.

Anyway, thx for this great soft which is already very useful :)


Posted: 2003-11-24 22:33:17
by antp
You can type the mask yourself.
Type *.mp3 and Windows will display only mp3's, like in all common "open" dialogs.

About the "apply only to extension", that may be a good idea, I will write it on my list ;)

Posted: 2003-11-25 09:47:28
by tixu
oops, i haven t even thought doing that for the mask, sorry :p

thx for your answer :)

Posted: 2004-01-11 00:48:29
by StalkR
well, please do something for the auto-fill of the text-fields, it's very very irritating ^^

In the configuration there is: "Number of values to keep in the history", I suppose it's related to that. The problem is it's impossible to set this value to 0 :(

I know, it's not a bug or a feature but a very very very little thing hihi :D

Oh and also, why don't you implement the FTP files renaming in Ant Renamer v3 ? It should be great, don't you think?

Posted: 2004-01-11 11:19:52
by antp
StalkR wrote:well, please do something for the auto-fill of the text-fields, it's very very irritating ^^

In the configuration there is: "Number of values to keep in the history", I suppose it's related to that. The problem is it's impossible to set this value to 0 :(
Ok, I'll add an option to disable auto-complete (should be disabled by default actually) and the possibility to set the value to 0
StalkR wrote: Oh and also, why don't you implement the FTP files renaming in Ant Renamer v3 ? It should be great, don't you think?
That may be an idea for a version 3, since it will require lots of changes.

Posted: 2004-01-11 18:48:09
by StalkR
good dude :)

i've made very quickly a little php-script for FTP files renaming but it's not as good as ant can do ;)

Clarté de l'interface

Posted: 2004-03-03 06:50:52
by ANT
Je viens de passer (c'est pas trop tot lol) à la dernière version, encore hier j'étais sur la 1.4, et la première impression a été que l'interface qui était très claire dans la 1.4, bien alignée, se retrouve un peu en fouilli, dans la 2.07. Le contenu des toollbars changent, toolbar sur plusieurs lignes,...
Je conseillerais bien d'essayer de mettre de petites icones, sans texte, genre 16x16, en essayant de caser les principales sur une lignes fixe en haut, et ensuite les boutons qui s'affichent en fonction de l'opération sélectionnée, sur une 2ème lignes qui elle serait réservée à ça.
Voila, enfin c'est du détail, mais c'est quand même important !
merci pour ce bon soft

Posted: 2004-03-03 08:40:43
by antp
Tu peux déplacer les barres d'outils si tu veux :D
Pour les icônes sans texte, je m'étais dit qu'il vallait mieux faire en sorte que les icônes principales soient plus grandes que les autres (donc plus facile à cliquer). Mais je peux éventuellement mettre une option pour n'afficher aucun texte.
Cette multitude d'icônes est un problème qu'il n'y avait pas dans la 1.4 : il y avait nettement moins d'icônes à caser dans cette version.
J'ai déjà changé plusieurs fois les barres d'outils dans la 2.x, mais j'ai pas encore réussi à trouver quelque chose qui soit très clair :/

Greetings and a feature suggestion

Posted: 2004-12-06 02:25:23
by hiyel
Very very good job. :grinking:
I loved your software since my first use, keep it coming...

Here is my feature request. I don't know if this will have any use for somebody else but when I use Ant renamer I would want to see which files will be affected from the batch actions in my file list, a highligting, or different font color will be great. Preview is very useful too but if you have hundreds of files, it's really hard to go through all files to check the previews.