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[Solved] How to automatically put cursor in a given field ?

Posted: 2014-10-16 16:16:06
by joel.r1
I'm stuck for a couple of days related to operation of release (and may be earlier releases).

I'm trying to find a way to put the cursor in the 'Borrower' Movies field without the mouse. For example by typing x-time the <TAB> from a known state. It is not working as sometime I need 5 <TAB> sometime 6 <TAB> because I'm probable in the same reference states.

I remember older version had 'F5' who was doing the job, but not anymore.

Any magic touch or keyboard sequence you could think about ?
Maybe playing with underlined letters (Original Title) ?

(For those would could ask why, I'm using a Barcode Scanner to scan DVD then user, and after using Crtl+F to search film, I try to modify 'Borrower' who is 5 or 6 tabs away...).

Posted: 2014-10-17 09:46:01
by antp
I do not remember any function key associated to that (F5, if associated, would be for refreshing the list).

One thing you can do is indeed adding an underlined letter to the label, like what was done for the original title.
Go in the Languages folder, open with notepad the translation file (.lng) corresponding to the language you use, search for the line:
If you change that to
for example, the B will be underlined and the shortcut Alt+B will bring you to that field.
Note that if you use English, you will have to switch to "English for translations" (in Tools->Language).

Posted: 2014-10-17 10:02:22
by joel.r1
You are definitely my heroe.
This is working like a charm and saving me a lot of <tab> and other keys in the code.
I was searching complex way, and sometime simple way do it better.

I was using F5 because I found this was making the job, even if not designed to do so. This could explain why F5 was no longer working...

