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uses StringUtils1

Posted: 2014-10-10 00:34:42
by al0203
Where can I find all the functions and how to use it of the StringUtils1. In the normal help doesn't appear and I'm not able to know how can I get the length of a string or getting the last 5 characters of a string. You know, get text from a point counting backwards.
If in the name of a movie haves something like 04x12, I good like to take the two characters before the 'x' , but only the two characters, not all like BeforeText does.

Are there more StringUtils?

Posted: 2014-10-10 05:43:54
by bad4u
The functions are explained in (short) comments in the file StringUtils1.pas itself, which you can find in scripts folder, I don't think there is more documentation. List scripts folder for other *.pas files and you will find some more units like StringUtils7552.pas that include additional functions, though some have comments in french only.