Problems with Allmovieguide search

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Problems with Allmovieguide search

Post by Curna »

Hi, I was just trying to search in the allmovieguide and I've come accross a problem.

Just take the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and serach it with its original title:

"Wo hu cang long" (Original title taken from imdb)

If you go to and search with "Wo hu cang long", you'll find the right film(you don't have to choose anything else, your are taken to the right page immediately).

However, if you try to search with this address: ... +cang+long

You cannot find the right film (you are taken to a page were you can search some movies and any of those is the one we are looking for).

Does anybody know a way to solve this problem to use the Allmovieguide Script and find the right movie ??
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