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Get information from a URL stored

Posted: 2014-05-11 05:31:44
by al0203
Now the new AMC version store de URL address where AMC took the information of this movie. Is it possible to update the information of the movie just using the URL stored?

When you look for a movie information, it use to be more than one movie with the same name, but if you use URL address the information would be always unique.

Posted: 2014-05-11 10:31:36
by antp
It is rather easy to do in the script's code, but it has to be done specifically for each script. Most use a similar structure but I do not think it can't easily be automated by the program.
For which script do you want to do that?

Posted: 2014-05-12 00:23:56
by al0203
antp wrote:It is rather easy to do in the script's code, but it has to be done specifically for each script. Most use a similar structure but I do not think it can't easily be automated by the program.
For which script do you want to do that?
I did it. It was very easy. Thank you.