Idea for big pictures

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Idea for big pictures

Post by Curna »

I was just thinking that maybe it would be a good idea to use google to find big pictures, by using the "image search" and specifying big images.

The idea could be to automatically launch the search from google and than make appear all the small images.

Than, just by clicking on the image we want, Ant movie Catalog should saved the image.

I think it should not be very difficult.

1- The script should take the name and launch the google image search
2- Ant movie Catalog should be able to display the web result (in a way we could select images, not text) (That's the part I don't know if it's possible, and that's the reason I haven't tried to do the script myself)
3- Once selected the image, just take the link (it will open another google page) and save the first image that appears, as we do with other scripts.

What do you think of the idea ??

Is 2) possible to do ??
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Post by antp »

(2) is not possible in current version but in the future versions I could add this kind of things (maybe not for 4.0 but later, yes, it would be nice)

Post by Curna »

Well, thanks for the answer :) :) :)

Then we will wait for some future version and see if it's possible.
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