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[REL] Rename file Names
Posted: 2014-03-17 22:10:27
by fulvio53s03
After importing informations from movies contained in a folder and after importing informations about movies from internet......
this Script will Rename your movies' file names (contained in file Path Field) following these optional criterias:
Translated Title or
original Title or
Formatted Title
- Director (Between Brackets)
- Year
- Languages
i.e. from "Y:\Film\Film da catalogare\The Machinist (2004) 1080p.mkv"
you can obtain ""L'uomo Senza Sonno (The Machinist) (Brad Anderson) 2004 ENG, ITA, ENG.mkv"
Using it, you will obtain a file named c:\rename.bat.txt that you can open with block notes, control it, rename in c:\rename.bat and then execute it.
Obviousely...... be careful!!!
Re: [REL] [ITA] Rename file Names
Posted: 2014-03-18 09:49:24
by antp
fulvio53s03 wrote:open with block notes
Re: [REL] [ITA] Rename file Names
Posted: 2014-03-18 15:29:24
by fulvio53s03
antp wrote:fulvio53s03 wrote:open with block notes
uh oh..
as my teacher said to me: "never trust in your studies! Use google translator!"
Anyway, would you insert it in your next releases? i think it could be useful and it is easily Customizable for everyone's need.
Posted: 2014-03-18 20:10:58
by antp
Yes I'll include it.
But I just wonder why you posted it as an "ITA" script, as it is rather language-neutral.
Also, explanation on how to use it could be put in the comments of the script, so they would be visible when it is selected
Posted: 2014-03-18 23:05:36
by fulvio53s03
Well, I got your suggestions (and i found a mistake too). Only a little problem. I would like to add a 'pause' (dos command) as my script's last line (so, after using .bat file produced, one can see if there were messages about execution's errors).
How can I do?
Would you like to modify my script this way?
Posted: 2014-03-19 10:15:30
by antp
You forgot to change the input box title "Find Duplicates"
After using the .bat script, the file names stored in the catalog won't match the actual names. So I wonder if there is so much use of such script in the end?
I remember having previously posted on the forum a script doing the change itself, so updating the catalog at the same time to keep the right paths stored.
I think there is a way to know when you reach the end of the movie list (it would also allow to save only once, at the end), but that's part of the functions added in versions 4.x by soulsnake - these should be in the help file
Posted: 2014-03-19 17:36:25
by fulvio53s03
antp wrote:... I think there is a way to know when you reach the end of the movie list (it would also allow to save only once, at the end), but that's part of the functions added in versions 4.x by soulsnake - these should be in the help file
Sorry, I cannot find that function ...
Posted: 2014-03-19 18:28:05
by soulsnake
If you want, I already made a script named RenameFiles.ifs to rename files and update the field contening filename with the new name.
To know if you are at the beginning or at the end of the movie list you can do this :
Code: Select all
if GetIteration = 0 then
// begin of the list (first movie)
else if GetIteration = GetIterationCount-1 then
// end of the list (last movie)
// other movies
Posted: 2014-03-21 04:54:49
by fulvio53s03
Posted: 2014-03-21 10:04:13
by antp
But then what's the purpose of making a batch file rather than renaming files directly via the script?
Posted: 2014-03-21 11:53:04
by fulvio53s03
antp wrote:But then what's the purpose of making a batch file rather than renaming files directly via the script?
Bah... I prefer to see the old/new file name before making changes.
Anyway, I don't find your script. What is its name? or is it only in a post in the forum???
Maybe I could like it more than mine....
Posted: 2014-03-21 12:33:48
by antp
but that should improved to handle forbidden characters
Posted: 2014-03-23 14:42:57
by fulvio53s03
Well, I took a look to the topic (thanks) but i'm sorry to say that my script (even not perfect) looks to be a little more complete.
Any suggestion is well accepted.
Posted: 2014-04-20 07:06:07
by fulvio53s03
A little update: now i get new filename extension from the old filename.
Code: Select all
Ant Movie Catalog importation script
Title=rename films
Description=rename films
Comments=After importing informations from movies contained in a folder and after importing informations about movies from internet...... this Script will Rename your movies' file names (contained in field File Path) using these optional criterias: 1) Translated Title or original Title or Formatted Title 2) Director (Between Brackets) 3) Year 4) Languages i.e. from "Y:\Film\Film da catalogare\The Machinist (2004) 1080p.mkv" you can obtain ""L'uomo Senza Sonno (The Machinist) (Brad Anderson) 2004 ENG, ITA, ENG.mkv". Using it, you will obtain a file named c:\rename.bat.txt (or any other name you choose) that you can open with notepad, control it, rename in c:\rename.bat and then execute it. The script can updates field File Path in Catalog or leave it unchanged (default), Obviousely...... be careful!!!
Title=1|1|0=Formatted Title|1=Translated Title|2=Original Title
program RenameFilm;
MovList: TStringList;
DupList: TStringList;
NewName: string;
ResultPath: string;
Titlenew, Linguaggi, CampoAnno, OldPath, NewPath: string;
Titolo, Regista, Anno, Lingue, PosBar, Aggiorna_path: integer;
Giri, giri_fatti, lgth_path: integer;
Procedure ChangeLanguages;
Linguaggi := AnsiUpperCase(Linguaggi);
Linguaggi := StringReplace(Linguaggi, 'ENGLISH', 'ENG');
Linguaggi := StringReplace(Linguaggi, 'SPANISH', 'ESP');
Linguaggi := StringReplace(Linguaggi, 'FRENCH', 'FRA');
Linguaggi := StringReplace(Linguaggi, 'ITALIAN', 'ITA');
Linguaggi := StringReplace(Linguaggi, ', ', '_');
Linguaggi := fulltrim(Linguaggi);
procedure Elaborazione;
NewName := '"';
if Titolo = 1
then NewName := Newname + Getfield(fieldTranslatedTitle);
if Titolo = 2
then NewName := Newname + Getfield(fieldOriginalTitle);
if Titolo = 0
then NewName := Newname + Getfield(fieldFormattedTitle);
if regista = 1
then NewName := NewName + ' (' + Getfield(fieldDirector) + ')';
CampoAnno := Getfield(FieldYear);
if Anno = 1
then NewName := NewName + ' ' + CampoAnno;
Linguaggi := Fulltrim(Getfield(FieldLanguages));
if length(Linguaggi) > 0
then Linguaggi := ' ' + Linguaggi;
if Lingue = 1
then NewName := NewName + Linguaggi;
OldPath := getField(FieldFilePath);
lgth_path := length(Oldpath);
PosBar := AnsiLastPosEx('.', OldPath, true, true);
delete(OldPath, (1), (PosBar-1)); //cut old filename
NewName := Newname + Oldpath;
OldPath := getField(FieldFilePath);
lgth_path := length(Oldpath);
If Aggiorna_path = 0
then lgth_path := 0;
If lgth_path > 0 then
PosBar := AnsiLastPosEx('\', OldPath, true, true);
if PosBar > 0 then
delete(OldPath, (posbar + 1), (lgth_path - PosBar)); //cut old filename
Newpath := Oldpath + stringReplace(NewName, '"', '');
SetField(FieldFilePath, Newpath);
if length(getField(FieldFilePath)) > 0 then
Titlenew := 'ren "' + OldPath + '" ' + NewName + '"';
DupList.Add(Titlenew); //scrivi riga
if StringUtils1_Version < 3 then
ShowMessage('File "stringutils1.pas" is too old, please download a new version of it');
if ResultPath = '' then
ResultPath := 'c:\rename.bat.txt';
Input('Update/Aggiorna Films', 'Store results to: / Salva Risultati in: ', ResultPath);
Titolo := GetOption('Title');
Regista := GetOption('Director');
Anno := GetOption('Year');
Lingue := GetOption('languages');
Aggiorna_path := GetOption('Update_path');
if Aggiorna_path = 1 then
ShowMessage('Attenzione! State per modificare il campo "file path" dei film nel Catalogo! Advertence! You are going tu update field "file path" in Catalog!');
if Aggiorna_path = 0 then
ShowMessage('Attenzione! Il campo "file path" dei film nel Catalogo non verrà aggiornato! Advertence! Field "file path" in Catalog will not be updated!');
giri := GetiterationCount;
if MovList = nil then
MovList := TStringList.Create;
if DupList = nil then
DupList := TStringList.Create;
giri_fatti := GetIteration;
if giri_fatti = Giri-1 then //fine elaborazione
Titlenew := 'pause';
DupList.Add(Titlenew); //scrivi riga
DupList.SaveToFile(ResultPath); //chiudi file
Posted: 2020-05-27 12:04:30
by al0203
antp wrote: ↑2014-03-19 10:15:30
You forgot to change the input box title "Find Duplicates"
After using the .bat script, the file names stored in the catalog won't match the actual names. So I wonder if there is so much use of such script in the end?
I remember having previously posted on the forum a script doing the change itself, so updating the catalog at the same time to keep the right paths stored.
I think there is a way to know when you reach the end of the movie list (it would also allow to save only once, at the end), but that's part of the functions added in versions 4.x by soulsnake - these should be in the help file
Can you tell me which is the function to rename files directly? I tried RenameFiles, but it doesn´t exist. Also you commet you posted another script to rename file, can you tell me the name? I´m not able to find it. Thank you.
Re: [REL] Rename file Names
Posted: 2020-05-28 06:05:43
by antp
Back then, I posted the link a little further in the discussion
It seems it was that thread then:
Re: Re:
Posted: 2020-05-28 10:20:17
by fulvio53s03
al0203 wrote: ↑2020-05-27 12:04:30
Can you tell me which is the function to rename files directly? I tried RenameFiles, but it doesn´t exist. Also you commet you posted another script to rename file, can you tell me the name? I´m not able to find it. Thank you.
The correct script name is "rinomina films" but maybe my script was never inserted as an "official" script.
If you want to use it, maybe necessary to take it from this thread, few posts over this, or write me in m.p. and I'll send it to you.