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[DE] Kommentar

Posted: 2003-03-30 08:47:59
by LordChip
Gibt es eine möglichkeit auch deutsche Kommentare in die Skripts einzubauen?
Habe bisher nur englische!

Posted: 2003-03-30 11:12:41
by *Guest* - Frau Holle

Ja, kannst Du. Du musst nur "//" davor schreiben (ohne ").

@Ant: He asked if it's possible to make german comments in scripts. I've answered yes.

Posted: 2003-03-30 11:57:26
by antp
"german comments" ?
does it mean add text in the script only for info or download comments from german sites ? :D

Posted: 2003-03-31 15:29:40
by *Guest* - Frau Holle