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How can I edit multiple FilePath?
Posted: 2013-08-31 12:10:22
by otreux
I changed the position of my movies (from D: to E:/Movie) and now I have to change all the FilePath in AMC. Can you tell in which files are stored the FilePath so I can edit it without having to do all the work from the beginning?
Or is there a faster way to do this job? I normally drag the film.avi on the tab and AMC import the info, but there is a way to do this automatically? For example say to AMC to import the infos from a folder (with subfolders) where I have all my movie, and AMC scan the dir and imports the info based on the name of the film (my films are nominated year - title)?
Posted: 2013-08-31 15:07:00
by soulsnake
I changed the position of my movies (from D: to E:/Movie) and now I have to change all the FilePath in AMC. Can you tell in which files are stored the FilePath so I can edit it without having to do all the work from the beginning?
If I understand well, you just have to replace "D:" to "E:\Movies" ?
You can run the script UpdateFields (Tools > Scripting) one time on all your movies:
- run the script
- choose this action "Remplacer un mot dans un champ (Replace a word)"
- choose the field where you store filepath
- click ok to confirm
- entrer the word "D:"
- enter the word "E:\Movies"
- finish
Or is there a faster way to do this job? I normally drag the film.avi on the tab and AMC import the info, but there is a way to do this automatically? For example say to AMC to import the infos from a folder (with subfolders) where I have all my movie, and AMC scan the dir and imports the info based on the name of the film (my films are nominated year - title)?
If you have a lot of movies to add, you can open import window, select import from media files and scan a directory with all subdirectories to add all movies in this directories.
Posted: 2013-09-01 09:08:47
by otreux
soulsnake wrote:Hi,
I changed the position of my movies (from D: to E:/Movie) and now I have to change all the FilePath in AMC. Can you tell in which files are stored the FilePath so I can edit it without having to do all the work from the beginning?
If I understand well, you just have to replace "D:" to "E:\Movies" ?
You can run the script UpdateFields (Tools > Scripting) one time on all your movies:
- run the script
- choose this action "Remplacer un mot dans un champ (Replace a word)"
- choose the field where you store filepath
- click ok to confirm
- entrer the word "D:"
- enter the word "E:\Movies"
- finish
Or is there a faster way to do this job? I normally drag the film.avi on the tab and AMC import the info, but there is a way to do this automatically? For example say to AMC to import the infos from a folder (with subfolders) where I have all my movie, and AMC scan the dir and imports the info based on the name of the film (my films are nominated year - title)?
If you have a lot of movies to add, you can open import window, select import from media files and scan a directory with all subdirectories to add all movies in this directories.
ok, the script is perfect.
ok but after it there is the problem that I have to re-download all the data and the covers from the internet, in addition to having to remove the years from the name imported
I'd like to find a solution for this problem because I still have 1200 films to enter the path
Posted: 2013-11-24 02:27:54
by LKS
Why is this brilliant script NOT working for the Genre (Category) field???
I have tried either to:
Delete a field
Replace a field, or
Replace a word
but none of the above worked for the Category field, although they have worked perfectly for the Origin (Source) field.
Thanks in advance[/i]
Posted: 2013-11-24 05:50:06
by fulvio53s03
LKS wrote:Why is this brilliant script NOT working for the Genre (Category) field???
I have tried either to:
Delete a field
Replace a field, or
Replace a word
but none of the above worked for the Category field, although they have worked perfectly for the Origin (Source) field.
Thanks in advance[/i]
Not True!
The script is OK, maybe you need to update it!