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how do we attach a file here ?
Posted: 2002-07-22 02:07:43
by Guest
the script is very long
is there a way to attach the script as a file ?
Posted: 2002-07-22 07:33:13
by antp
I do not think that you can, sorry

(I do not know very well the management of this forum

But you can put it directly in the topic, that's not a problem I think.
Just put it bewteen [code] and [/code] to make it more readable...
Posted: 2002-07-23 18:33:38
by Guest
can any1 arrage a WEB for the HTML&Sceipts so we could upload them to ?
to put a script as text isn't gonna work + u have to put explanations ... we should have a way to upload the tiny scripts as files not as text
Posted: 2002-07-23 18:55:32
by antp
You can send me the script, so I put it on the server.
I will try to find something to allow people to upload files on the server...