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New User..Get error when trying to view catalog

Posted: 2013-03-20 00:13:10
by jj7832
I downloaded ant catalog ( ver.) and ant viewer(1.6 ver.) and really like the cataloging ..after i put some movies in it i saved it...then opened the ant catalog viewing program and tryied to open the file i saved (C:\Users\John\Documents\Catalogs\john1.amc) where the sample.amc is at and i get this ereor " Cannot identiffy file type from header" ...i opened the samples.amc just to see if the problem was something else and it opens fine but mine the one i saved does not am i doing silly cause its probably something simple but i'll darn if i can get it...any help would be appreciated, like i said im new to this program
John (jj7832)

Posted: 2013-03-20 00:36:23
by soulsnake

You have to download the last version of ANT VIEWER (1.8.1) to open AMC 4.X catalogs ;)



Posted: 2013-03-20 01:43:59
by jj7832
do i have to uninstall 1.6b or can i install ight ove top ?.........anddddddd th again soulsnake

Posted: 2013-03-20 01:45:46
by jj7832
hi.....sorry....can iinstall over top of 1.6b or do i uninstall....and thx soulsnake for your help in is mater.

Posted: 2013-03-20 01:58:59
by jj7832
SoulSnake....Your the king :grinking: ......Thank you so much....i figured it out on my last question. But when i loaded your 1.8 and i ran it and my movies popped awsome....keep up the good work. You do awsome work if you ask me....and i cant tell you how much i appreciate the program and your help. And how fast you answered my question.....Great service.....Thanks again
John (jj7832) :)

spoke to soon

Posted: 2013-03-20 02:59:29
by jj7832
Hi Soulsnake,

I spoke to soon.......i can now view all my movies in Ant Catalog Viewer...which is awsome....but i think i miss read what the viewer does...i thought it was like a stand alone program...i also thought i could view my movies then choose one to watch but it just opens another screen and says i have to open a catalog first. See im looking or been searching for a program that i could put on the desktop of my media computer(alone)....then any computers on my network could open a program to access the media computer that has all my Media(movies and music) and view all movies..... then choose one to watch. All within one program rather than open multiple programs just to watch a movie and i wanted to be easy to prior computer skills to operate the program. I wanted the program to show alot of info on each movie and to be able to search info on internet if needed(almost like what Blu-ray does) and i dont want to spend alot of money to get this. I'm a big movie buff. I dont like to hunt for the movie i would want to watch(alot o movies over 1200) and when buying new movies i have to rely on memory on what i have to make sure im not buying doubles of movies. I havent had to much good luke on finding a program with the features i want....till i found this one.....its simple to add and now since you helped me ...its easy to veiw the movies but like i said when i pick a movie and then hit the play opens another screen just like the previous one but with no movies at the top and on the bottom of screen it says i need to open a catalog first...which is the previous screen is the catalog with the movie that i was trying to play. And like i said i might of miss read what the ant movie catalog viewer does or what it can do....maybe it doesnt play the movie just shows you what movies are on the system which is still great but not what im trying to do or accomplish.
Thanks again soulsnake

John ( jj7832 )


Posted: 2013-03-20 10:12:43
by soulsnake

I don't think I understand well your problem.
It works but when you press the button play, the movie is not played ?

The question is : Do you store the file path of the movie in a field such as field URL (by default in AMC), Source, Media Label ?

If not, you can not play the movie, you have to put the file path of the movie in field URL for each movie.

If yes, make sure in ANT VIEWER preferences that the field used to get file path and play the movie is the good one.

Finally, check if Windows can read the movie when you double click on a movie because when you press play in AMC or ANT VIEWER, it will play the movie with the default movie player.


need help

Posted: 2013-03-21 19:18:28
by jj7832

Your probabbly right....i might not be doing this right....but here is how i add movies to your program
1. click on movie and click add...pick number then click ok
2. right click on the number that was made and get info(about movie) on the internet. I picked dvd empire to get info on movie...i then have to type movie name to get info and it fills in the info on your program.
3. then save as john.amc ....the " . amc" part is automatic.....i notice that in the movie field is empty along with source on the movie that i entered. the custom field is empty and the all field is the same as movie field with source and media label are empty.
4.Then i open the viewer and open the " john.amc" file and try to play but the play don't work unless i go into settings and clear down of the bottom of the first page and put windows media center path in external player and put "media type" in the field used to store video path......then when i hit play my media center opens but still have to choose the movie to play....

So i know i got something get it to work....but i would like it to work right......i would like it so when i choose a movie and hit play in ant viewer it plays the movie i choose ...rather than have to pick the movie again in media player then it maany steps to play the movie the way i have it set up now.

Could you send me instuctions on how the proper way to input a movie so it works the way you meant it to


i figured it out

Posted: 2013-03-29 03:34:54
by jj7832

I figured it out...thanks for all your help and I really like your program....great job