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Corrupted data file

Posted: 2012-12-13 04:08:20
by johnsonl918
Anyone have any suggestions for a corrupted database? The file opened fine yesterday, and now it opens, but the first couple hundred movies are ID 0 with a blank box next to it, then the movies continue with proper numbers and titles until record 276. At that point it turns to 0's and checkboxes to the end of the file. Unfortunitly the backup I have is missing quite a few movies and rebuilding the whole thing will take time. I wondered if anyone has experienced this issue and hs any suggestions on how to resolve it.

Thank you,

Posted: 2012-12-13 14:30:32
by antp
The backup is the file just before the last save.
When you say that it is missing a few movies, you mean that it also has blank entries? Or did you simply add a lot of movies the last time you used the program?

Posted: 2012-12-13 15:05:52
by soulsnake
When you say backup, it is the "your catalog name".bak file generated automatically renamed to .amc or it is another backup ?


Posted: 2012-12-13 15:23:00
by antp
Indeed I didn't think to ask that, I assumed it was the .bak file :D
Renaming that file is the first thing to test, if you haven't yet resaved the "damaged" file.