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"Random Names" not always working

Posted: 2012-11-19 16:55:54
by AR-User

I'm trying to use "random names" to change the names of a folder, and everything in it (more folders & files) to random names.

When I drag the top-level folder to Ant Renamer, it adds everything, but when I tell it to "go", it only changes the name of the top level folder. All the stuff inside doesn't get renamed.

Under "Drag & Drop" options, everything is selected to add folders, files, subfolders/files, etc.

I suspect what's happening is that the top-level folder is getting renamed first, and then after that nothing else can be found (because now it's in a different directory).

If I just add only the files, but none of the folders or subfolders, all the files at every level are renamed randomly (a good thing).


Re: "Random Names" not always working

Posted: 2012-11-19 20:59:38
by antp
AR-User wrote: I suspect what's happening is that the top-level folder is getting renamed first, and then after that nothing else can be found (because now it's in a different directory).
Yes, it is a known bug. You have to either invert the sort, or just put the folders at the end.

Posted: 2012-11-19 21:16:47
by AR-User
Awesome, thanks for the quick reply!

Great program by the way. It's rare to find a program that does everything you need, intuitively, powerfully, and effectively.

Just remembered that I wanted to donate for your program. Thanks again for a great product. I've used it a lot and found it very useful.