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Acquire information without ask me the movie title

Posted: 2012-10-06 09:13:45
by kartola
Hi, I use to acquire information from a internet site, then I want to acquire only some information (like movie year) that are missing in the first site.
I can do that but it ask me to confirm any movie title...
The movie title are already corrects, so, is possible to acquire informations from a script without the program ask me to confirm any move title?


Posted: 2012-10-06 09:57:16
by antp
Some scripts (e.g. imdb) have a "batch mode" option which will pick the first movie found - not always accurate.

Posted: 2012-10-08 06:47:46
by bad4u
Reads like kartola maybe is talking about the input dialog from the script only ('the movie title are already correct') ? Most scripts load data from title field(s) and suggest that in the input dialog box then, which only needs a small modification of the script to change that - but we would need to know about which script kartola is talking ;)

Posted: 2012-10-08 09:51:54
by antp
Indeed if you want to suppress the title input box but still have the search result, it is easy to modify... but it depends on the script :D