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Can't see scripts even when language filter is set to all
Posted: 2012-08-23 02:35:27
by chicofox
I wanted to use the Update Fields script and SoulSnakeUtils but they don't show up in the list. They exist in the scripts folder and I updated them using UPDATE SCRIPTS but they won't show up.
Any ideas?
Posted: 2012-08-23 06:38:35
by bad4u
Use Menu>Tools>Scripting to list scripts that have set option to not access the internet in their properties
Posted: 2012-08-23 17:55:22
by chicofox
How exactly do I do that? I don't see a setting?
Posted: 2012-08-23 19:22:20
by bad4u
On main menu choose 'Tools' and therein 'Scripting', this is when you have selected English as your language. You can use Shift+F6 as well. The window that opens will list all scripts you can run (if you don't use a filter), including those that the button 'Get information - From internet using a script' (or F6) won't show you.
The script option that makes the difference for scripts showing up on either one or both lists is found in script properties. Choose a script from the list, click 'Editor', click 'Properties' and look for script option 'Get info from web'. If set 'true' script will show on both lists, if set 'false' ist will show only on list from main menu.
Posted: 2012-08-24 02:40:21
by chicofox
Thanks for explaining that. I didn't realize the distinction between F6 and shift-F6. I had the previous version of the program and I tried both but neither allowed me to see the two scripts.
I have now upgraded to the latest version of the program and I can now see Update Fields when I use shift-F6 but I still cannot see SoulSnakeUtils and I have all the languages selected? I wonder why?
Posted: 2012-08-24 07:05:28
by soulsnake
You will not see SoulSnakeUtils, it is a library for others scripts if needed!
SoulSnakeUtils is not a script!