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export selected records + export in AMC format + sparse file

Posted: 2012-08-11 08:20:26
by rs232
three points of discussion here:

1) Can we export selected records only instead of the whole DB?

2) If and only if the first option will be true at some in some future release, can we add an export to AMC format?

3) Finally, ever you ever though about having a sparse file DB? If you add images into the BD a single file can become too big. I was thinking instead, how about AMC being the "connector" of multiple files? That way only DB interested are read/written.
Reading/saving a DB of 400Mb (and counting!) over a network share becomes prohibitive.

Just a couple of ideas.


Posted: 2012-08-11 21:12:39
by soulsnake
1) Can we export selected records only instead of the whole DB?

2) If and only if the first option will be true at some in some future release, can we add an export to AMC format?
I added this two points for next release ;).
3) Finally, ever you ever though about having a sparse file DB? If you add images into the BD a single file can become too big. I was thinking instead, how about AMC being the "connector" of multiple files? That way only DB interested are read/written.
Reading/saving a DB of 400Mb (and counting!) over a network share becomes prohibitive.
You can already copy pictures in same folder of catalog instead of store them in catalog.
This way, the catalog size is very low.


Posted: 2012-08-12 08:28:53
by rs232
Thanks! I have to try this link to image!
As my images are already there, can I modify the existing DB instead of recreate a new one?

Also, is there any easy way to modify the source/Image path and toggle between absolute and relative path?

many thanks!!!

Posted: 2012-08-12 10:13:19
by soulsnake
If you already have pictures stored in catalog and you want now to copy them in the same folder of catalog, you can use the script 'ReimportPictures'.

How to do :

1) [Optionnal] Copy your catalog .amc with stored pictures in a folder that contains only this catalog. This way you will have only one catalog and all attached pictures in same folder.
2) Open your catalog.
3) Go in Preferences > Picture importation > Select "Copy picture to catalog folder" (or "Store picture in catalog" to reverse the process) in 'For internet scripting' group.
4) Go in Tools > Scripting and select the script "ReimportPictures".
5) Before to run the script, don't forget to select "All" in movies to include !
6) Run the script, wait, it is finished.

All copied pictures in catalog folder have a relative path and you can not change this.
