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New Version?
Posted: 2012-07-17 11:34:42
by phil_a
Ant Renamer is a great program and I use it a lot for a long time -- even just contributed 15 euros to its development!! Thankyou so much Ant. I urge all users to give Ant some financial encouragement.
But I am concerned about its future since more than 4 years have passed since last release. Ant clearly does support it well on here and by email, but is a busy guy with no time to update it. I am worried what will happen if it a new OS release (Win 9...?) would break it.
Would it make sense to release the source code to Source Forge so that others could help with ongoing improvements and future compatibility issues?
For me, I use ALL its features, enumeration, regex, exif, as well as simple insert/delete/change.
I have to say that although renamer does do all things reliably it was quite difficult to learn how to operate it, especially the exif/regexp parts. The user interface is generally pretty good but there is scope for reducing the number of clicks for repeated operations. The helpfile is very good but there is room for clarification in some areas.
Thanks again, Ant - I rely on renamer a lot - and hope its future is assured.
Best wishes
Phil A
Posted: 2012-07-17 12:54:24
by antp
Thanks for your support
The source code is available from my site so putting on sourceforge would not change much.
That does not prevent someone from continuing the program: cf Ant Movie Catalog that is now developed by someone else but still hosted on my site
If there is a real problem in a future Windows, I'll fix it. I know that in Windows Vista & 7 the compatibility isn't perfect, but it works in most of the cases (and it works 100% fine with the UAC disabled or if you change permissions to its folder).
I plan to do small updates and improve that compatibility "some day", but I do not think there will be major upgrades though. Or maybe if in a distant future I have much more free time, but unfortunately it is unlikely.
Posted: 2012-07-17 14:24:58
by phil_a
Oh... The source is already here on the site, sorry I did not look well enough. It would be really cool if someone would take it further like the Ant Movie Catalog.
Thanks for your reply.
Posted: 2012-07-17 14:44:35
by phil_a
But trying to download the source I encounteres >> "404 - Not Found"
Going to Sourceforge would ensure the source remains available, even if something happens to your own site, and maybe it would give Ant Renamer more visibility to encourage another developer.
Posted: 2012-07-17 14:48:43
by soulsnake
You can download ant components here :
Posted: 2012-07-18 07:59:29
by antp
phil_a wrote:
Going to Sourceforge would ensure the source remains available, even if something happens to your own site, and maybe it would give Ant Renamer more visibility to encourage another developer.
I may consider that. Or some other similar site. I do not know which one is the best for that...
Posted: 2012-07-24 11:40:16
by phil_a
Thanks Soulsnake, that worked. Seems the link on this page needs updating.
Posted: 2012-07-24 12:28:53
by antp
Indeed, thanks, I'll fix that one.
Posted: 2014-05-22 09:16:19
by NathL
merci pour ce précieux petit programme
je l'ai découvert via PCastuces, heureusement car la page de présentation sur votre site parle de Windows95/2000... ce serait bien au moins de mettre à jour cette page pour préciser les derniers OS compatibles
finalement ce n'est pas très à jour non plus sur la page de téléchargement PCastuces :
les OS s'arrêtent à Vista
bravo et bonne continuation
Nathalie, France
Posted: 2014-05-22 12:16:35
by antp

sur mon site il est mis :
Testé avec succès sous diverses versions de Windows, depuis 98 (avec quelques fichiers système mis à jour) et NT4 (SP4 requis) jusqu'aux versions actuelles (Windows Vista, 7 et 8).
Posted: 2014-05-22 16:02:54
by phil_a
Thank you Nathalie for highlighting It contains a
nice tutorial for Ant Renamer, only in French but will translate it to another language. Although I'm an
Ant Renamer 'power user' I learned something from the tutorial; that you can drag the file list into your desired order for enumerating.