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Characters bug after changing Office XP Style

Posted: 2012-07-14 11:34:01
by Crackmaster
I've wanted to see what "Xp office style" (or something like that, i can't read it anymore) button do and ANTRenamer were like:

any help? :??:

Posted: 2012-07-14 13:59:25
by antp
Did you use it in English or with another Language?
Here it looks like the selected language is Belarussian or some other non-Latin alphabet, but on a system set for a Latin character set.
If you were using it in English, you maybe accidentally changed the language: on the 4th (last) tab of that window you can select another one. I mentioned Belarussian as it is the 1st of the language list. Maybe there is a bug that made that language selected though.

Posted: 2012-07-15 09:19:02
by Crackmaster
LOL silly me, thank you sir :)