Media Browser compatibility

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Media Browser compatibility

Post by protozoaire »

Ant Movie Catalog is the best movies collection manager I have seen so far, it is stable, clear, and consistent in the way it edit data.

I am using Media Browser, which is a plugin for Media Center, I'd like to use Ant Movie Catalog to produce the movie.xml that Media Center read in the movie folder, unfortunately, the XML file produced by AMC is not understood by MB.

Media Browser is a very popular Media Certer plugin, it is not a movie collection manager and has no capability to edit metadata (except grab from provider, but no hand edition). They recommend several movie collection/metadata editors like MetaVideoEditor or Media Center Master, to edit metadata, but those softs end up just making a mess in the movie collection, AMC could be a great alternative for MB users.

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Post by antp »

It is maybe possible to generate such XML file using the HTML export: one just has to create a template for that.
What is the Media Browser XML supposed to look like?
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