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How to add number of votes?

Posted: 2012-04-04 18:55:47
by jermine01
I just started using Ant movie catalog. I want to add the no. of votes that each movie receives from imdb. How do I do this? Thanks.

Posted: 2012-04-06 08:29:01
by antp
Do you have some programming knowledge? As that would require to modify the script for IMDb, if it does not offer that option...

Posted: 2012-04-06 19:51:45
by jermine01
Unfortunately, I don't know any programming. Isn't there any other way?

Posted: 2012-04-07 09:37:31
by antp
Find someone who will modify the script for you then :D

Posted: 2012-04-07 18:16:21
by jermine01
I found out how to download the no. of votes in the imdb script but I don't like the way it is implemented.

Posted: 2012-04-22 20:25:04
by jermine01
I don't Like the way the User ratings and No. of votes is inserted in the field.

eg. Instead of 'User Rating: 8.0 out of 10 (with 426,493 votes)' I would like it to show as '8.0/10 (426,493 Votes)'

Is there any way to do this? Thanks.

Posted: 2012-04-22 21:33:50
by bad4u
Choose IMDB script from the list, then click editor button. Now find line

Code: Select all

Value := 'User Rating: ' + GetField(fieldRating) + ' out of 10  (with ' + Value + ')';
and replace with

Code: Select all

Value := GetField(fieldRating) + '/10 (' + Value + ')';
If you want to replace 'votes' (beginning with small letter) with 'Votes' (starting with capital letter), add following line behind the modified line:

Code: Select all

Value := StringReplace(Value, 'votes', 'Votes');
Remember that you have to do these changes again when there are future script updates.

Posted: 2012-04-23 19:39:49
by jermine01
Thanks :).

Posted: 2012-04-25 15:38:47
by jermine01
Can the color of the no. of votes be changed? Eg. 8.0/10 (426,493 Votes) instead of 8.0/10 (426,493 Votes)?

Posted: 2012-04-26 13:14:53
by antp
Not in the program itself.
You could add HTML tags to make that appear that way when exporting to HTML, but then you would see the HTML in the text in the program.