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Can I print in decrescent raiting ?

Posted: 2011-10-31 15:30:00
by vasenti
Can I print a list of movies in raiting decrescent ( starting from the bigger number the lowest) ??
Until now I try but I did not find the way
Also for the year...I can only print the list from the oldest movie down to the news one

sorry for my english
I love Ant Movie Catalog
Thank you

Posted: 2011-10-31 16:16:14
by soulsnake
Hi vasenti,

For now you can't, sorry.
But I will add this option in the next version (AMCU 4.1.0) ;).


Posted: 2011-10-31 19:27:16
by vasenti
tanks for the reply, and so quickly
So, no problem, I will wait for the next version ...anyway this program is so nice......
