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Help needed with Numbering movies !

Posted: 2011-07-19 02:59:14
by metagondria
Hello everyone,

First of all i like to thank the creator of this user friendly application :grinking:

Now, iam struggling with multiple discs movies that needs to be numbered based on the quantity of discs!!

For example, movie 1 contains 3 discs . So i like to have movie 2 at possitioned at nr.4 you see !?


nr. movie
1. movie A 3xdisc/file
4. movie B 2xdisc/file...
6. movie C... and so on...

I like my catalog to number my movies based on the amount of discs/files ... :/

Is it possible to automate that some how through scripting or something ?

Because , currently iam adding a number for each movie that contains 2 or more discs / files to work arround this problem... like...

1. movie A Disc 1
2. Movie A disc 2
3. movie B
4. movie C Disc 1
5. movie C disc 2

you probebly wonder why not add the amount of discs in the library?
Well, its not much about the knowledge that movie a or b contains multiple files/discs but rather the main thing is i need to have the exact right numbers for printing so i can storage the movies accordingly in my Cd case :cool:

you see my point ... :cool:

Thank you in advance,


Posted: 2011-07-19 03:10:02
by metagondria
Also, i thought i found a sollution by shifting the movie numbers from certain titles ... the only down side is ... when i reload the cataloge, the application renumbers it automatically :angry: !!

Need some advise on this :( ??

excuse my engrish :(,

thank you,

Posted: 2011-07-19 04:05:56
by metagondria
well, i kind of have thought of a sollution...

Iam using groups to exclude those duplicate movie names from the print list still retaining the number sequence in which they are stored ..

i kind of still hope some one woud tell me how i can assign 2 numbers to the same movie !!

Like movie A having both number 1 - 2 automatically or manually (ask feature) when adding another title :/

Also, is there a way to store Movie titles whitout a NUMBER ... like an group appart without numbering them ?

oh well...
take care,

Posted: 2011-07-19 22:16:07
by antp
The application does not renumber automatically so I do not know what you did to get such result :??:

I do not really understand all your messages...

If you have more than one disc/file per movie, why would you create several entries ? :??: You are suppose to just list movies, no need to list individual discs

Posted: 2011-07-21 02:31:58
by metagondria
antp wrote:The application does not renumber automatically so I do not know what you did to get such result :??:

I do not really understand all your messages...

If you have more than one disc/file per movie, why would you create several entries ? :??: You are suppose to just list movies, no need to list individual discs
Dear Ant,

First of and again , excuse my engrish if i sound jebberish to you :D !

regarding the auto renumbering, its possible i have shuffled the whole catalog myself by accident :ha: . That has been solved in the meanwhile..

Now as to why i need to create several entries !?

I need to do that in order to store my movie discs in chronic order you know !?

Let me explain again..

For example the first movie movie nr1 have 2 discs the next movie should be number 3 , why ?

Well, when i make an second movie list that order my movies in alphabetical order, each movie will have a number aswell on that list you see :hum:

So, if i try to find a movie based on that list in alphabetical order i still need to know the number from that movie in order to find it easily back in my huge 1000 disc storage box you see ?

Now, if i dont add a number sort of speak (because of the multiple disk movies) like movie 1 disk A = nr.1 disk B = nr.2 , movie 2 = nr 3 you see..

If i dont do that well..., then movie 2 woud be number 2 on my alphabetical list when infact number 2 in my storage case is SIDE/DISC B from movie 1 you see.

So again, if i have to find a movie and that movie happend to have the number from the 2nd disc from a multiple disc movie it will be chaos if you try and find a movie back in an 1000 movie's BIG collection :hihi:

That's why i kiind of hoped to blank or skip certain numbers automatically when i add Multiple discs movies you know !

But i manage pretty well doing it manualy by now :grinking: ...

I hope iam clear on that subject,

Thank you for the repsonse Big Ant :hihi:

yours truly sensere,


Posted: 2011-07-21 06:42:59
by bad4u
metagondria wrote:For example the first movie movie nr1 have 2 discs the next movie should be number 3 , why ?

Well, when i make an second movie list that order my movies in alphabetical order, each movie will have a number aswell on that list you see :hum:

So, if i try to find a movie based on that list in alphabetical order i still need to know the number from that movie in order to find it easily back in my huge 1000 disc storage box you see ?
Maybe I misunderstand, but why would you want to do a second list in alphabetical order ? Simply click on the "Title" header and your original list will be sorted alphabetically, click on "Number" header and it is sorted on movie numbers again. Wouldn't that solve your problem instead of doing a second list for the same movies ?

Posted: 2011-07-21 21:10:46
by metagondria
bad4u wrote: Maybe I misunderstand, but why would you want to do a second list in alphabetical order ? Simply click on the "Title" header and your original list will be sorted alphabetically, click on "Number" header and it is sorted on movie numbers again. Wouldn't that solve your problem instead of doing a second list for the same movies ?

No, you are right. And i did not explained it torough enough.

No, ofcourse i wont work with 2 different lists ... else the confusion woud be complete :??:

Yes, i use the very helpfull filter in the print window like based on selection, checked etc... :grinking:

The sub program to make sjablooms with macro's sort of is very usefull toO .. :grinking:

I hope Big Ant will implement a feature in future updates to add numbers in cronic order to the list based upon the amount of discs :cool:

take care,