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Print Reports: how to cancatenate print fields?

Posted: 2011-05-21 06:31:56
by fulvio53s03
Please, is it possible to concatenate print fields?
I mean: my D.B. field to print begins in a print object and continues in another (it is splitted in two parts).

Bye :grinking:

Posted: 2011-05-21 13:42:53
by antp
you mean split then? (opposite of concatenate)
I do not know if it is possible or not, as the version that I use of FreeReport is quite old and has bugs.

Posted: 2011-05-21 14:10:03
by fulvio53s03
antp wrote:you mean split then? (opposite of concatenate)
I do not know if it is possible or not, as the version that I use of FreeReport is quite old and has bugs.
I wanted to say both concepts:
1) splitting 1 DB field into 2 print objects
2) concatenating 2 print objects so that they can receive, sequentially, the beginnig of a DB field and the the ending of the same (if it is too long to fit to the first print object).

FreeReport: do you mean this ... nload.html ?

Posted: 2011-05-21 17:25:54
by antp
Yes, that's what AMC uses as printing engine