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Calculate ed2k_link from .AVIs

Posted: 2003-02-14 02:08:08
by joazito
I'm not sure you're aware of this, but the edonkey2000 p2p network uses something called ed2k links, which are location-independent (i.e. it doesn't matter which computer they're stored). I'm not a regular user so I can't get too technical about it, BUT I do know these links are calculated from the files - 2 different users who independently try to calculate the ed2k link will get the same result. Something like ed2k://|file|Moonlight.2002.DVDRip.XviD-AEN.avi|734119936|997fe0ef6658ab5a35c7ea5586e69177|/

These links are based on the filename and in something called "file hash value"... which is some sort of CRC value for the file as far as I know. The source code for creating this information from files is freely available... from sourceforge if I'm not mistaken..

so... could you include ed2k link calculation in the "Get Information from files" in the next AMC version? please please please please please :) ... That would be so perfect. I don't even use edonkey, but I want this feature... I hope you can provide it... you've done a GREAT JOB so far thanks :grinking:

Posted: 2003-02-14 08:11:13
by antp
I won't add this because it is not quite legal, and I prefer to not get trouble with this kind of things :p

Posted: 2003-02-14 14:53:35
by joazito
I think it is legal. But anyway... I'm interested in it because of the CRC potencial of it, I'm not interested in using the edonkey network. Er... how about calculating only the hash value? would that be okay?

Posted: 2003-02-14 15:33:44
by antp
Why do you want a CRC/hash for AVI ?

Posted: 2003-02-15 00:27:38
by joazito
Ok. Here goes the full story... I want to set up a restricted site where some of my friends and coleagues can manage their lists and trade with ease. I want this site to be just about perfect, and I want to develop scripts for AMC (the best movie catalog there is ;) ) so that information between the site and the site members' home catalog is very easy to keep in sync.
One of the features I want is the possibility of indexing the movies not just by imdb#, but by rip also. And so if this "hash" value existed we could be positely sure of exactly what rip it is - if two members have a file with the same hash value they would be sure to have the same rip. One of the benefits of this is that a link to the corresponding .nfo in could be kept. It would also allow members to make comments about the quality or whatever of the rip they have, and other users with the same rip would have those comments automatically in their movies database.
Something like this. It's nothing more than a project yet, but I wanted it to be as perfect as it could be. And of course... I'll be sure to AT LEAST give you a link so you can check the site out. If it's ever finished :).

Posted: 2003-02-15 10:51:26
by Juriste

Posted: 2003-02-15 12:56:15
by antp
I do not really like this idea :p
Maybe later, if I add a plugin system for importing file info.

edit: I wonder why I replyed in French in this English thread :o

Posted: 2003-02-15 13:10:29
by joazito
Juriste wrote:ILLEGAL !!!
Was this post really necessary? You could have at least not shouted...