I try to Open the amc file with Vb.net.
It works fine with the First Information of the file Header .
(strFileHeader35 = ' AMC_3.5 Ant Movie Catalog 3.5.x www.buypin.com www.antp.be ';
OwnerName: string;
OwnerSite: string;
OwnerMail: string;
OwnerDescription: string;
If i read the Help file correct then they must come the Movie Information.
On first Step the Nummber of the 1. movie but I cant get it work.
Can annyone help me ?
In the following my Code snippet
Using br As New BinaryReader(fs)
strFileHeader35 = br.ReadChars(65)
OwnerName = br.ReadChars(br.ReadUInt32)
OwnerSite = br.ReadChars(br.ReadUInt32)
OwnerMail = br.ReadChars(br.ReadUInt32)
OwnerDescription = br.ReadChars(br.ReadUInt32)
Movie1Nummber = br.ReadChars(br.ReadUInt32)