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No movie found using imdb script FOUND SOLUTION
Posted: 2010-04-04 05:38:02
by dexdouglas
-I'm leaving this up in case anyone needs this help. Go to this site and make sure you have the latest script.
First, I want to say that I'm sure that this is a beginner problem that has been answered on these forums but I have searched multiple queries and gone through over 10 pages on these forums and haven't found an answer that helps me.
I have just installed Ant Movie Catalog Version I imported a large excel file with all my movies into Ant and then clicked the Get Information button. I double click on the IMDB link and it gives me the error No Movie Found.
I have tried multiple movies, even entering in exactly what IMDB has listed as the title and it doesn't work. If I copy the url into the field, it finds the film. Is there a new script I should be using? And if so, where can I download it?
Thank you again.
Posted: 2010-04-09 19:01:57
by bad4u
Just a few notes:
- instead of downloading manually from you can simply start the script "[ Update Scripts ]" , it will show new scripts and let you choose/download what you need
- for IMDB script related questions there is a specific thread
Have fun

Posted: 2010-04-16 01:01:23
by Archange
The script UPDATE does not work at all. I get an error message. I have the latest version of AMC.
Posted: 2010-04-16 06:32:53
by bad4u
Archange wrote:The script UPDATE does not work at all. I get an error message. I have the latest version of AMC.
It still works for me. When you choose Update script on scripting window and click on "edit", is there code in the editor or does it open an empty script ?
Posted: 2010-04-16 17:19:18
by Archange
Sorry, my mistake, I have two UPDATE script in the list...don't know why but the one you guys talk about is working. The other one is not.
Still trying to find a way to import mpaa infos from anywhere to add to amc.
No one is responding !
Sorry again.
Posted: 2010-04-16 18:18:15
by bad4u
Archange wrote:Still trying to find a way to import mpaa infos from anywhere to add to amc.
Well, it does import MPAA infos from IMDB if you set script option "Classification" to "2", which means import MPAA infos and append them to comments field (script options are located on the right side of the scripting window).
But reading your post in templates section it seems not to be what you are searching for. I don't know about the template, but you probably need to import the "Certification" infos from IMDB website for that (it is country specific and includes the MPAA ratings in short form). This should be possible with same script option set to "1" (import classification to media type field), unfortunately it currently seems broken because of website changes. For now you can easily fix it on the script when replacing line
Code: Select all
Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<a href="/List?certificates=' + UserCountry + ':' , '&&heading=14');
Code: Select all
Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<a href="/search/title?certificates=', '</div>');
Value := TextBetween(Value, UserCountry + ':', '</a>');
(just click on editor button when script is selected on scripting window).
I'll add that fix to the next script version, but it will need few days until it will be available.
Posted: 2010-04-16 19:58:46
by Archange
Ouff ! Beginner's nightmare....
okay, what I want to do is :
I want the script to take the mpaa infos (only) and transferes it in the MediaLabel of each of my films. I have looked inside the IMDB.ifs file with "Editor" and looks like a noodle soup to me. The line you want me to change is in that file ? and also, I have checked boxes at the bottom right, I must select only the MediaLabel? I'm lost...
sorry... if you can tell me more, I'm trying to learn
Posted: 2010-04-16 21:09:45
by bad4u
Okay. Step by step.
When you open IMDB website, you will see that the MPAA info is twice on this page. Once in full text marked "MPAA" and a short version between a lot of different countries marked "Certification".
The full text version is imported to your "comments" field of your catalog when script option "Classification" is set to "2".
The short version
should be imported to "media label" field of your catalog when script option "Classification" is set to "1", but it's currently broken. I think you need to import the short version, as it probably is used on the dynamic template that you want to use. I don't use templates, so I'm not completely sure about that, but it's most probable.
Now how to change the script option "Classification" ? Open your catalog. Open the scripting window, e.g. click F6 or on menu "Tools - Scripting". You will see all the scripts that you have installed. Choose IMDB script, click it only once, so that it is marked blue. Now look on the right side of the window, there you should find a frame "Script options". Look there for "Classification" option and doubleclick on it, it will open a window that let's you change script option settings now. Note: If there are a lot of options on a script, you might need to scroll down to see them all.
To fix the script, as mentioned above, you will have to open the script on editor again. You can use the AMC build-in editor or every text editor of your choice for that. As you said correctly, the code line can be found within that file. You can find it easily when you click on the search icon on the top of the editor window (the small lens) and copy the code line into the search box. If you used internal editor it should be around line 643, with external editor that might differ from that. Now just copy and paste the 2 correct lines and replace the wrong line, et voilá you should have fixed the (short version) MPAA import on your script.
If it still doesn't work for you, please ask. If you don't succeed at all you can always wait few days and download a fixed script from the server then

Posted: 2010-04-16 21:38:01
by Archange
Okay, I have changed the line successfully. Save the file. Then I double clicked the classification, changed it to 1. Double clicked on MPAA and put it to 1 cause it was at 0.
unchecked everything exept Media Label and nothing happened. Successfully selected my movie title and the script downloaded infos but did not come out in my movie in amc. But, it worked in the Media Type. I had the word "approval" inside the field after trying with Media Type instead of Media Label field.
At the right of the scripting window, I have two things, classification at 1 and MPAA at 1. All the other ones are at 0. Below this I have Media Label selected only.
I must be doing something wrong lollll...
Posted: 2010-04-17 12:30:26
by bad4u
Ahh, I didn't see there is an additional MPAA option on the script, so I did not consider using this one.
After you changed the code successfully both script options (classification, MPAA) should work correctly again. You can set them to "1" and it will import MPAA rating to field Media Type. In most cases it won't make sense to set both options to "1", as it can import only one to the field, but you can leave it this way as some kind of backup solution (if it doesn't find a classification, it will still import MPAA if this exists).
If you want to import MPAA to field Media Label instead of field Media Type you can change that on the script, too. On script editor look for
// Classification section (this is where you made previous changes) and/or for
// MPAA rating section (right down below classification). In both sections you will find a line beginning with
If you change
fieldMediaType to
fieldMedia it will import data to field Media Label instead of field Media Type.
Posted: 2010-04-17 13:24:19
by Archange
Ok I've made the modification you suggested and it works ! but now I have another issue, when I make my query with IMDB, a windows opens with a multitude choices to select a movie. I must choose the right movie in the list so that the script may that normal ?
Thanks for the help, it's appreciated

IMDB search
Posted: 2010-04-17 14:25:19
by Dedej
Utilise l'option batchmode 2 qui se sert de l'adresse WEB pour la recherche et non plus du titre et cela devrait être bon
Bon catalog

Posted: 2010-04-18 12:53:04
by Archange
Parfait merci, j'essaye ca aujourd'hui.
J'ai une autre colle...y-a-t-il un parametre pour le champ "Resolution" ? je trouve rien dans les scripts.
Et aussi les champs Video Format et Audio Format ne sont pas dans les options des scripts...enfin, j'ai pas trouver encore.
Merci bien !

Résolution et format audio/vidéo
Posted: 2010-04-18 16:01:21
by Dedej
Déja faire import d'info depuis fichier quant on a l'accès à celui ci, choisir dans les préférences, menu "Importation de vidéos" les infos que l'on veut récupérer malheureusement on ne peut pas choisir les champs ou l'info se place donc il vaut mieux commencer par cela avant de récupérer les infos à partir des scripts.
Sinon les scripts importent ces infos en fonction de ce que les sites donnent et de ce que l'auteur du script à géré. Moi personnellement j'utilise DVDFR qui est assez complet mais pour le choix des champs et suivant les scripts le choix est limité voir nul donc il faut s'adapter ou modifier un peu le script quant on y arrive et se résoudre à le faire dans ce cas à chaque mise à jour.
J'ai donc modifié la plupart des scripts que j'utilise et du coups j'en ai repris le suivie avec mes dons de programmateur du dimanche pour ceux qui était plus ou moins à l'abandon.
Généralement je commence par importation d'info à partir de fichier, puis script Allociné et enfin script DVDFR pour avoir les infos à peu près complète et si je ne trouve pas j'essaie Cinefil, CinemaMontreal, CinEmotions,, et parfois pour les affiches Affiche de cinema et oui c'est dur de trouver son bonheur parfois sur un seul site!!.
Bon catalog

Posted: 2010-04-19 02:24:59
by Archange
Bon j'ai réussit dans l'ensemble a avoir ce que je voulais. J'ai du edité le script pour qu'il fonctionne comme je veut. J'utilise IMDB.ifs et Update.ifs. Je recoit tous les infos que j'ai besoin. Par contre, je dois me limité a des entrées en anglais seulement. Je ne peut fiare parvenir d'infos sur le synopsis par exemple. Je le prend chez allo ciné. Je sais pas s'il y a une facon de le faire avec IMDB.ifs. Je continu de l'étudié. Je fait des tests et je regarde le résultat et j'ajuste. C'est pas évident lorsqu'ont as aucunes expérience en programmation !
Donc voila, je veut vous remerciez pour l'aide. Je posterai mon lien internet vers ma base de données pour vous faire voir ce que j'ai fait. J'ai même pris certain champs inutilisés pour d'autre fin comme faire apparaitre une image qui me dit si le film j'ai vu ou non. Il me reste quelques champs a tester et voir ce que je pourrais faire avec.
Encore une fois merci, je vous tiens au courant.