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scripting: GetField(fieldxxxxx) doesn't work!

Posted: 2003-02-11 13:38:24
by joazito
GetField(fieldOriginalTitle) works,
GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle) works,
but NONE of the other GetField seems to work! Aargh! This is a pretty bad bug.
I came across it when making a script that would correct all the IMDb URL's ('?Title=Blue+Crush' into '?Title=0133413' or sth).
Please correct this soon! I need it for other scripts too..

Posted: 2003-02-11 14:03:24
by antp
This only happens with the "Get information from script"
If you use Tools -> Scripting all the other fields will work too (and you can apply the script to several movies).
It is not really a bug actually, but in the next version there won't be these two modes anymore I think. I'll have to make something cleaner.

Posted: 2003-02-11 17:41:07
by joazito
Ok. It kind of sucks though after running the script for 1 movie to have to search and select the movie again. Please add this functionality to Getinfo... or merge the two.

Posted: 2003-02-11 17:54:43
by antp
I'll merge the two actually.
But with the Tools -> Scripting you can apply the script after having selected lots of movies, so it should be much better for the change that you want to apply...

Posted: 2003-02-11 18:05:42
by joazito
You're right. But for some other scripts I'm working on Getinfo is better.