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Thanks, Install and Cover Question

Posted: 2010-01-22 15:07:53
by JCSullivan
First of all, THANKS for a nice piece of software. It took a while to find it and a lot of trial and error using other software. I'm slowly going thru the forum but meanwhile...

Q1: Is there no install/setup exe for this software; What do I do just create a directory in place the programs there?

A: Found the answer to this.

Q2: When adding a film and use the IMDB script, only the thumbnail of the cover is imported. I then need to go elsewhere to get a larger image. Meaning I have to use 2 scripts doubling the work. What do others do? Suggestions are very welcome.

A: I think I've found the answer but still open to suggestions.

Again, thanks you for the software.

Posted: 2010-01-22 18:40:35
by bad4u
When you mark IMDB script on scripting window (so that it is blue), you will see some script options on the right side of the window. Look for option "ImageKind" and try different settings there.

Note: Always make sure you use latest script if there are any problems. You can use [ Update Scripts ] script or manually download from

Posted: 2010-01-23 10:55:47
by JCSullivan
Thanks bad4u. That is what I did and it works fine.