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AMC and Sisimizi flash web based coverflow

Posted: 2009-11-20 14:38:46
by joz
Hey all,

Just subscribed to this forum to throw this out here. Originaly I posted a thread on the Sisimizi game catalog forum, see here

I created a prototype (for now) of a readout of AMC and SGC XML catalogs.
You can see an example of what I have so far on youtube in action.

It's really far from done and still lots of work to make it generic.
The prerequisites for a final version will be;
- PHP (probably 5 and up)
- Some sort of database (Preferably MySQL)
- Some sort of webserver (preferably apache)

Just wanted to see if anyone likes the idea. If so I'll be working towards something that is more generic and (relatively) easy to setup. If you have any ideas for it you can also post in this thread.

Posted: 2009-11-22 21:53:06
by joz
Just bumped into some flash limitations and found another one that looks quite good only it now is based on jquery. It performs better but looks a bit different.

Posted: 2009-11-24 11:31:13
by qtx
AjaxRain has some good JS code.
Including some good coverflows (Jquery, Mootools, Prototype).