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How to?

Posted: 2009-09-23 01:07:36
by russjohnson
I think I need to update scripts because I keep getting a 404 error. I went to the scripts page but have no idea how to get the scripts I want where they need to go. Assistance would be appreciated.

Posted: 2009-09-23 05:59:32
by bad4u
No problem. Go to , right-click on the script you want to update and save to your "scripts" folder within your Ant Movie Catalog installation (if you didn't change the path on installation, you probably should find it at C:/Programs/Ant Movie Catalog). If AMC is still running, re-open scripting window to update the scripts list.

Or run the script [ UPDATE SCRIPTS ] on your scripts list in AMC. It should list available script updates and you simply need to choose the scripts you want to update then. When finished, close the scripting window and re-open ist, so that AMC finds new files. This script works on most installations.

You can verify your script versions when you open scripting window (the list of scripts), click once on a script and look on the information frame at the bottom of the page.

PS: For some scripts there might be no updates available. In this case you can report the script at the scripting thread of the forum and hopefully someone will be able to update that script.

Posted: 2009-09-25 06:17:07
by russjohnson
Thank you! Worked Perfectly!!