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Ordine per data-Sort by date

Posted: 2009-09-12 08:25:09
by Pinonono
Come si può fare per mettere la lista dei film in ordine di data di inserimento?

How can you do to put the list of films in order of date of entry?
Thank you!

Posted: 2009-09-12 08:47:21
by antp
You mean in the main window or for print/export?
If you keep the default numbers, sorting them by number will do that :D
In the main window you can only sort by number or title currently.
Alternatives are:
- switching to grid view (tools menu) but from there you can't edit data, just view the list
- or renumbering the list, based on date, in case you do not care about which movie has which number.

Posted: 2009-09-12 10:22:52
by bad4u
If you use "Group by -> Date added" on the tools menu it will sort for date, too (though list has a different look then) ;)