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Info about Resizing Images in exporting to HTML

Posted: 2009-08-31 19:26:26
by fulvio53s03
Hallo to all.
Maybe I didn't understood but I was Thinking that Images' resizing was enabled in HTML exporting, non only in XML saving of the Catalog.
I'm trying to export to HTML format but I Cannot resize Images (even if I specified in Options to resize them to 200x200).
Where is my mistake?

Happy Summer Ending! :grinking: :cry:

Posted: 2009-09-01 07:42:05
by antp
There is no resizing of pictures currently: the only option available is to force a width & height in the img tag, but it does not touch the pictures. For that you should use XnView, Irfanview or something similar on exported pictures.