I am trying to add data to my list and came across the following script problems using the movie Annie Hall:
All Movie Guide - error while reading selection page (idpage=""}
Amazon WSPro = I get Error Http/ 1.1 400 bad request then
no movie found
DVDEmpire.Com - In the selection window I get one matches found highlighted but when I click on that nothing happens and all the selection choices at the bottom of that window are greyed out.
Yahoo movies - I get error Http/1.1 403 Forbidden
As far as I know I have the latest scripts for each of the above.
Any Suggestions?
Script Bugs
Well, if import of data fails and the website isn't down, the script needs to be fixed. No matter if you have latest script available 
About the AmazonWSPro script - it cannot be fixed for the moment, as Amazon forces HMAC authentication for API requests since August, 15th.
Yahoo movies script is about 2 years old, and for the other scripts it might be a good idea to add a short note on the last forum topics that you can find for these scripts (as most scripts are written by different users and these will be notified only for new posts on their forum topics).
But thanks anyway for reporting

About the AmazonWSPro script - it cannot be fixed for the moment, as Amazon forces HMAC authentication for API requests since August, 15th.
Yahoo movies script is about 2 years old, and for the other scripts it might be a good idea to add a short note on the last forum topics that you can find for these scripts (as most scripts are written by different users and these will be notified only for new posts on their forum topics).
But thanks anyway for reporting

Hi bad4u: Thanks for the reply. Deadeye seems to have the Dvdempire script working now and I left a message to that effect in the Scripts Sticky above. I am not sure whether you are saying there is some hope to fix the HMAC problem with Amazonwspro or you just do not know. I take it the change was made by Amazon but was it specifically to exclude sites like Ant or for some other reason?
Well, that's a good question and noone on their forum really knows, too. Amazon does not give any comment, but did not exclude specific users or software yet (if the changes for authentication have been made).Philx wrote:I am not sure whether you are saying there is some hope to fix the HMAC problem with Amazonwspro or you just do not know. I take it the change was made by Amazon but was it specifically to exclude sites like Ant or for some other reason?
But there are only two reasons for authentication mechanism:
1. Successfully lock out people or specific software from the service.
2. Make it a paid service some time and sell their information (it's the only free AWS service by now).
We will see..
About the chance to include authentication support for the script - it is possible, but needs a new version of the program, or someone who sets up a (reliable) authentication server. A "test version" of the program with authentication might be available from the forums soon (hopefully).
Please see viewtopic.php?t=3932 for more information on that.
Hey bad4u: Thanks for the info; more complicated than I thought. With Amazon, revenue is always a consideration but maybe they will see Ant as a benign enough site to support. I really hope you get the server access and permission as the wspro script holds the most potential for my collection and I would guess for many other english based collections as well.
Best of luck
Best of luck