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Mass Changing of URLs
Posted: 2009-08-21 10:11:31
by Cojun
i change to a new Fileserver and each movie in my Ant Movie Catalog should become a new URL.
Is there a way to mass change the URLs in AMC in one run like regexp or so?
if URL contains \\ change it to \\
Thank you
Posted: 2009-08-21 10:45:10
by bad4u
You can use a little script to do this:
Code: Select all
program ReplaceString;
oldValue = '';
newValue = '';
value: string;
value := GetField(fieldURL);
value := StringReplace(value, oldValue, newValue);
SetField(fieldURL, value);
Posted: 2009-08-21 11:12:42
by Cojun
Hey ...
Thank you very much for the fast answer.
And please ... what is to do to integrate that script?
I am not familiar with this technique.
Can you please give me a short step by step help?
Thank you very much
Posted: 2009-08-21 12:37:23
by antp
Go to Tools -> Scripting, be sure that "movies to include" is set to "all" (or "selected" if you have first selected which movie you want to modify)
Then in the toolbar click "Editor" and the "new" icon.
Paste the script, click Run.
Posted: 2009-08-21 13:34:53
by Cojun
sounds simple.
Will test it when the transfer from the old machine to the new one is finised and will keep you updated.
Thanks for the great support. Its then time for a PayPal-Donation.
Thank you again