hallo first time here new user of antmovie catalog plz help
Posted: 2009-07-31 14:48:01
hallo to you all
i recently started to use the program and i like it so much it saves me a lot of time and orgenize my movie catalog the only problem im facing is this ... all of the scripts that you got there are in all sorts of laguages but none of them are in hebrew my language i wanted to do a script of my own but i dont know how to write a script ...
can some one please write a script referring to an israeli site that gives info about movies in hebrew ?
i am using the www.sratim.co.il site to get info about movies
please if u can write ascript or let me know how to write one that will be reffering to the site that i wrote above ill be more than thankfull and i know that alot of antmovie users from israel will be thankfull as well
i really dont want to have to use the stupied windows media center program couse it eats all of my memory and really complicated
plz contact me
i recently started to use the program and i like it so much it saves me a lot of time and orgenize my movie catalog the only problem im facing is this ... all of the scripts that you got there are in all sorts of laguages but none of them are in hebrew my language i wanted to do a script of my own but i dont know how to write a script ...
can some one please write a script referring to an israeli site that gives info about movies in hebrew ?
i am using the www.sratim.co.il site to get info about movies
please if u can write ascript or let me know how to write one that will be reffering to the site that i wrote above ill be more than thankfull and i know that alot of antmovie users from israel will be thankfull as well
i really dont want to have to use the stupied windows media center program couse it eats all of my memory and really complicated
plz contact me