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Problems with scripting

Posted: 2009-07-18 15:55:57
by Pablo Maria

From some days ago, I have problems with scripting, when I am traying getting information of films from Internet.

It seems to be the same for all the scripts. When I look for some picture with the script through Internet, it find the film and when I accept, the script go on execution but doesn't answer. The use of CPU is about 50%, but apparently it does nothing. I have to press the stop button of the script to can exit from it.

Posted: 2009-07-18 19:19:23
by bad4u
As you are from Spain, you are probably using FilmAffinity script, do you ? At least it sounds like the problem mentioned here: viewtopic.php?t=4392

PS: You're on Ant Renamer subforums, you should use Ant Movie Catalog subforums for that question ;)