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What script is good for Audio DVD/TV Boxsets?

Posted: 2009-05-24 21:45:39
by Johnneke
Hello guys, maybe you guys can help.

What script is what you use to import audio dvds and tv boxsets. (I need 1 entry/season). I tried TV.Com script but that one wasnt working. Audio DVDs is the one I'm having the most difficulty with since tv series are often represented on imdb still.

Greetings, John

Posted: 2009-05-28 18:35:59
by bad4u
Have you tried amazonWSpro script ? You might switch amazon website on script options and if boxset and/or audio DVD is listed on amazon, it should be able to import details (but I did not test these items yet). If it doesn't find such item although you are sure it is available from amazon, please let me know.