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Posted: 2009-04-05 17:09:31
by humanspecies

Hope someone can help me here. I just installed this app (latest version) and have entered details of movies BUT when i bring up the scruipts screen using f6 there are NO scripts visible. What am I doing wrong here ? The scripts are in the folder but wont load in the programme window.??

Please help

Posted: 2009-04-05 17:28:49
by bad4u
Did you check the "Language Filter" on scripting window ? Try the corresponding button on the top of the window.

Posted: 2009-05-03 18:02:51
by humanspecies
I 've come back to try and use this software again .

Checked the Language as you suggestion but still no scripts visible. A complete uninstall and reinstall and the scripts show up OK.

Start to add movies to the DB , run scripts - all Ok - then it crashes!!!

Try again and NO scripts visible!!!

There's something badly wrong with this software.

Any suggestions ?

Posted: 2009-05-03 18:54:03
by antp
I think it is the first time I heard of such problem despite the number of users using it since years...
What version of Windows?
Do you have a nvidia video card?

Posted: 2009-05-03 20:38:15
by bad4u
Or maybe a dual-monitor configuration ?

Posted: 2009-05-04 09:12:23
by antp
That just caused problems with the "watch list" popup window, no? As far as I know the scripts list itself has no problem.

Posted: 2009-05-04 09:35:02
by bad4u
The statistics window is affected, too. But it was just an idea ;)

Posted: 2009-05-04 09:48:07
by humanspecies
I'm running Vista 32 Home Premium with an Nvidia 9600GT card. No dual monitor.

Even a reboot doesnt make it work again. Whatever coding brings up the scripts appears to be broken.

Posted: 2009-05-05 09:30:47
by antp
Works fine on other people's PCs and the code itself for that is rather basic.
I know that there is a problem with some drivers of some nvidia-based cards when the nview desktop feature is enabled, so you can try to disable that option just to check.
I could never reproduce that problem on my PC so I do not know what would cause it (probably linked to one of the visual components used in the program).
But usually the problem was related to a lockup of main window, I never heard of empty script list, as far as I remember.
Only other thing that comes to my mind would be a problem in Vista's way of handling the "virtual store" folder, where it keeps the files that were modified by the program in their own folder (as now they can't write there).
But again such problem was never reported, and if it does not work it is rather the fault of Vista's compatibility system on your particular PC (yes I know it is also my fault because AMC is not "designed for Vista", but I still hadn't time to fix that and it is not "urgent" since it works even without that)