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Pictures name when exporting in CSV

Posted: 2009-03-11 07:44:44
by ShelbeGodart

When I export a csv file, I would like to export the pictures with the translated movie title.

I tried the 3 different possibilities:
Exported filename + Movie nr (ExpFileStyle="0")
Catalog name + Movie number (ExpFileStyle="1")
Movie title (ExpFileStyle="2")

How is it possible to add another possibility?

Thanks in advance, any help would be appreciated :)

Posted: 2009-03-11 12:19:27
by antp
It is not possible in current version, sorry.

Posted: 2009-03-11 19:27:06
by ShelbeGodart
Don't be sorry ;)

Ant movie catalog is a wonderful program, I'm very happy with it :)

The positive of it, I'm now sure it isn't possible. Hope can be possible for a future version maybe.