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ERROR FOUND??? "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"

Posted: 2009-03-10 18:31:22
by Nosnibor
Hi guys. I've been using "Ant Movie Cotalog" for over a year now and have for the first time encountered some problems. The scrip "All Movie Guide" does not find info and gives an error message of "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found". Also "AllMovie" gives the same error message and also the error message of "AllMovie: Error while reading selection page (id page="")". Also i'm not sure if it's an error or if i'm just not using it correctly but the script "TV Tome / StarGate SG-1" doesn't seem to be working as i've got all the Stargate SG1 episodes that i'm trying to find info for.

Any help with these problems would be greatly

Posted: 2009-03-11 12:23:01
by antp