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Posted: 2003-01-31 22:18:37
by guest
anyone any idea how i can add the oscars and other important prices a film won to the comment window?
it would be very coool if someone could create a script for that

Posted: 2003-02-07 13:54:51
by Guest
tu remballes ? :)

Posted: 2003-03-08 16:21:26
by Guest
Anonymous wrote:tu remballes ? :)
i dont speak french
( je ne parles pas francais)
english please

Posted: 2003-03-08 16:43:53
by antp
I speak french but I do not know what he means with that actually :D


Posted: 2003-05-13 03:47:23
by ndouille
J'imagine qu'il veut pouvoir ajouter nomination cannes, berlin, venise, oscars etc de la même façon que les zolies betites étoiles d'un des template.
Ce serait effectivement chouette d'avoir ça au moins dans les commentaires, mais perso je vois pas comment. :hum:

Posted: 2003-05-13 14:20:32
by palantir
there already exists a script that does that.

check the topic "My Script (IMDB + Allmovie). Some changes that may interest"

the script gets some info that the original IMDB script doesn't provide. it works fine. just try it