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(FR) Comment ajouter une collection de jeux video?

Posted: 2009-02-21 15:10:25
by spiderbat
Bonjour,grand fan de dvd et aussi de jeux video,j'aimerais savoir si il y a possibilité d'inclure ma collection de jeux avec AMC,et avec quel plugin et comment instaler çe plugin,car ma connaisance en programation est pluto limité :(
merci pour vos réponses ;)

Posted: 2009-02-21 23:12:42
by bad4u
Maybe you want to try Sisimizi Game Catalog. It's a videogame collection manager for all platforms and as it has been derived from AMC, it uses most of its code. You will not have to do any modifications. A french translation is, among some others, included and there are some scripts available.

Posted: 2009-02-22 21:19:54
by spiderbat
OK,THANK YOU :grinking: